Holiday Healing Happiness


Heading into the holidays just after a breakup is about as much fun as taking a cold shower in the snow. At the same time, getting together with family and friends after such life altering event, does not have to be all gloom and doom. My advice is to ‘bite the bullet’ and plan to go BUT… plan ahead and here’s how.

1) Go to those gatherings and dinners where you are nurtured and supported by the attendees. Support of ‘kind, considerate and loving’ family and friends, is healing and you’ll come away feeling ‘better’.

2) You do not owe anyone an explanation. Therefore, plan a ‘canned’ response to those questions from ‘inquiring minds’ who want to know all your business and details. When asked about your break up, you can readily rehearse one of the below reply examples: 2a. Can we talk about this at another time? 2b. It just didn’t work out and/or; 3.c. I’ll share more with you after the holidays.

3. Make a choice to be good to yourself. This is more than a mere cliche’. There is real healing power behind the phrase. Remember first and foremost that being ‘good to yourself’ means TAKING CARE OF YOU! Engaging in physical activity reduces anxiety, along with giving yourself permission to cry. Your goal now is to soften the hard landing that you are going through emotionally.

Also, considering talking with a local therapist about your feelings and emotions, or of course call me, 800.275.5336 Ext. 32452 me. I am available whenever convenient for you. Talking with someone who will truly understand, validate and be objective with you, is what will aide you in your healing efforts, allowing you to gently process and in your own time, that’s right for you. <3

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Astro Daija