The Week Ahead—It’s Time!!


As we begin our week launching a Sunday Solar Eclipse, July 11th, 2010 Turning & Talking Points “A Reality Check”

I am available today until 2pm., pacific & then again this evening between 7pm & 10pm., pacific. 

Sunday dawns with a sense that you can talk about some great plans you have with those you love. The planets are aligned for you to kick off a new project, schedule that vacation you’ve been putting off, or take on some new work at your church or with a new social group. Don’t be nervous about talking about your own ideas. Explain them well and listen to input from others. You also have an opportunity today to examine what has been causing some stress in your love life. Are you on a path that feels right withyour Spirit?

“Have a reality check with yourself and stay focused on the important things in life.”

Monday starts the week with good energy in the areas of mew ideas for expansion — as long as you factor in any key limitations. Usually this means you have to stay with your budget, as you launch a new work plan. Listen to your feelings. Huh? This is like listening to gut hunches — usually right. But sometimes there are old emotions that surface to block your way. Your job is to discern the difference and act accordingly.

You can reach a key turning point in your love life on Tuesday, but you have be willing to examine any tension within regarding growth. Growth? That’s what a relationship is all about — growing together as a team. One unit that works together on all that life throws your way. Sometimes we get complacent and don’t want to “change”. But to grow, and go forward in life, you and your relationships need to develop and things do change when that happens. Embrace your new opportunities. What you believe or think about yourself, will affect how others will ‘see’ you. Confidence (not cockiness) is important—in making the best impression.

At midweek, someone you love can help you breakthrough some things that are holding you back. Wednesday presents an interesting mix of energies and some signs that your emotions may be getting in the way of your well being. What’s that mean? Well, for one, what feels good isn’t always the right thing to do. Then on the flip side, if you put things off because you “don’t feel like it,” then you might just be closing an important doorway. Have a reality check with yourself and stay focused on the important things in life.

Thursday and Friday creep up on you with having to make a shoot from the hip decision—-perhaps it’s a matter of simply deciding ‘Yes or No’. Consider your options, otherwise you most certainly could bite off more than you truly can handle, successfully! Sometimes, we just have to ‘say NO’!

Enjoy your week ahead!


Daija ext 32452

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Astro Daija