Emotional Electricity


Greetings – Tuesday – July 13th., 2010
I am available today until 2pm., pacific & then again
this evening between 7pm & 11pm., pacific.

Today is one of those days where taking a trip down memory lane can be cathartic as well as emotionally depleting. The Venus (love), Pluto (secrets & emotions that are kept under wraps) reawaken within us thinking about, considering, wondering & pondering about the past. All the ‘what if’s’ are conjured up within, creating a bit of an emotional stir.

There is only one of two things to do when we emotionally trip vs. stroll down memory lane, and that is to feel, deal, & heal—-or dismiss for the moment, shoving the experience under the rug. I choose the former.

Don’t make the mistake of thinking that by shoving it all down or under that you can wash your hands or your mind of what you are feeling. Simply put, until you choose to deal with it—these well hidden, swept under the carpet issues and feelings will indeed crop up again….and again, and again…haunting you repeatedly until you actually mentally deal & emotionally heal over it all.

Think about what is most important to you today—think and consider how you connect with others, and what matters most to you about the connection that you experience with those special people in your life.

Changes are occurring & you’re about to experience a significant change in your current relationships. The 21st of July, just next week, Saturn moves back into Libra. This is a favorable breaking point—where change is not likely, but an absolute.

Call me & together let’s take a look at what specific changes you can expect over the coming 120 days.

Enjoy your Tuesday.

Daija ext 32452

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Astro Daija