Wknd. Update: Be True to You


Weekend Update, Friday, July 9th., 2010
I am available today until 2pm., pacific & then again this
evening between 7pm & 10pm., pacific.

Time to fess up—whether with yourself —as in being honest with yourself —as well as with those closest to you, whom you may not have been upfront &/or emotionally open & honest with. The cosmos breaks wide open this weekend with planetary influences surrounding the Solar Eclipse on Sunday, fostering innovative, new, creative & progressed styles of communication. You just feel the need to tell the truth allowing a better, more connected feeling of control. You are ready to swiftly launch your life into a new direction.

Who are you taking along with you?

I have always enjoyed the intimate & personal transitions that occur for & within myself between the lunar & solar eclipse. It’s definitely a time where what I am considering, feeling, doing, enjoying & opting for comes alive in the most revealing way allowing me to see my ‘options’ & to choose this way or that, depending on what is best for me, and all concerned.

The Lunar & Solar eclipse affects all of us, but all of us in a different way as well as in different parts of our lives. For me this year is was about what I value most. For you, it may be same or different depending on how the lunar and solar eclipses are aspected in your chart. Call me & let’s talk about how your life is affected by both the lunar & solar eclipse.

When you are able to ‘stop’ & look at what is happening in your life, recognizing that you truly are only in control of what you choose to think, do & act upon—& definitely ‘not’ in control of anything else— it is promised that a true revelation—a spiritual awakening, will manifest where true enlightenment will occur. And a new direction is guaranteed.

Will you accept it?
That will be up to you!

Enjoy a beautiful day & weekend!!

Aloha hugs,
 Daija ext 32452

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Astro Daija