Thursday, March 5th, 2009 Think, Imagine & Create… Oh the possibilities!


Neptune, Mercury & the Moon… Oh My!
You won’t feel settled or too relaxed today, but the calm alternative to feeling settled is to think, imagine and dream ‘something more’. It is only then that you will consider your options allowing your imagination to explore the possibilities! Your imagination soars to the heights of fantasy, today. Yet, I live by the rule that if we can ‘dream’ it, then we can ‘achieve’ it. It’s truly a matter of being ‘in tune’ with our emotions and instincts, then finding the appropriate route or channel to navigate thru these sometimes complicated waters in a way that turn our fantasies into our reality.

Today we are better able to see, think, hear, touch & smell life in a much different way, thanks to Neptune the ruler of our dreams gliding along with Mercury, the ruler of our communication—simply churning our curiosity toward ‘what if’ in a way that will manifest our best blessed life. It’s not about tossing out the old — just to have something new. It’s about moving out of our old rigid routine of all that hasn’t been working for us—for along time, but we were too fearful of the unknown to actually gather the courage to ‘change things’ for the better, and for everyone involved.

Your courage has arrived. The spirit of your imagination moves you away from a humdrum life and lifestyle, motivating you to decide to let go of your fears and fly with Mercury, while floating with Neptune into a sea of happiness where the real treasure of life is found thru absolute FAITH. It’s time… and this time, you will accomplish what you set out to do, provided you are making the right and most wise choice for you. And that means, choosing what makes you happiest.

I am on today, Thursday, between 9am & 1pm., pacific & then
again this evening between 7pm & 9pm., pacific.

Give me a call and together let’s look at your dreams,
your desires and your plan to make it happen, for you!

Blessings & Love,
Daija ext 32452

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Astro Daija