Tuesday – March 3rd., 2009 Where are you Going?


We want information and we want it ‘now’! Today you may find yourself seeking, desiring, wanting, needing, clamoring to sate yourself in any way possible. You have a desire to seek and find happiness. You want a relationship, a real loving relationship. You want your spouse to treat you better. You want to go to a specific university, and you want your money back that you lost this week, and you want it all ‘right now’. Be cautious about your desire for a person, place or thing… or from whom you obtain your information, from, regarding how to go about ‘getting what you want’ or getting your needs met. As it could cost you more than you can afford to pay. And the fee won’t be paid in ‘dollars & cents’ but in time and effort spent dealing with your emotions and feelings, frustrations and perhaps even guilt, later on.

Refrain from going to friends or family for advice, chances are they will not be able to give you objective advice that will serve your long term needs. Remember these people love you and want you to be happy, ‘immediately’ so that you will return to your old self immediately, and they will see their old friend or family member in a more familiar place. However, oftentimes what you believe will make you happy today, isn’t always what is the most wise or right for you or ‘the thing’ that will make you happy down the road.

Little things won’t matter, go to your friends and family for those small insignificant things such as what you’re going to wear next Saturday nite to the party or what dish to bring to a family dinner. But when it comes to major life decisions and the direction you are taking, ‘S-L-O-W’ down and think, ponder and review what your goals are and what your plan is that will enable you to reach your goals. And oftentimes that does mean leaving home, going away to school, or perhaps leaving a relationship, or joining the military, or whatever—the case may be.

The Bottom line is that  it means seeking godly advice and spiritual counsel that is objective, wise, right and best for YOU, your situation & circumstances.

Call me today and let’s talk about what you’re doing, where you’re going, when and with whom.

I am on today, Tuesday, between 9am & 1pm., pacific & then
again this evening between 7pm & 9pm., pacific.

Enjoy your day and be safe!
Love & Blessings,
Daija ext 32452

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Astro Daija