Greetings – Friday – March 6th, 2009 Venus Retrograde: It’s a Win-Win Transit!


Cosmic Alert – VENUS(the planet of Love, Attraction & all that ‘we love’ —ruling the areas of life or those things which we are passionate about) turns RETROGRADE today. What does this mean exactly for all of us? 

First of all Venus in Aries is not all that comfy here, to begin with. Remember Mars is the planetary ruler of Aries which in this case rules ‘action’ taken toward those things, ideas, people or places in our lives that VENUS RULES, when Venus is in Aries & in direct motion.

Yet, when VENUS is RETROGRADE in ARIES, the actions that people take to create love, in their lives will be ‘slower’ perhaps even non existent — but that is not necessarily a bad thing. What this automatically does is ‘keep you in a place of suspension’ or status quo with those whom you are in love with, allowing more to be worked thru, providing a better perhaps more healthy outcome.

And on the opposite side of that, if you have just begun a relationship, then you will enjoy a balanced state of ‘exactly where you are’ with little progress to the next level until Venus goes direct on April 17th. Now if you are not in a relationship, currently, but seeking a partner, then the actions taken will be slow and methodical —-not too fast, and not to slow, but just right, also providing the perfect balance needed in fostering a healthy, happy, give and take relationship.

Definitely, VENUS RETROGRADE encourages a ‘win-win’ situation that will allow the best outcome for all involved. And remember folks, this VENUS retrograde does affect our ‘money’ in the positive realm, too. We all have a relationship with our money, and this glorious time allows us to reconnect with our money and how we are spending it as well as how we value it. It is a sure thing that we will bring it back in our lives, personally and globally and in a way that will be abundant, beneficial and prudent. Wise spending, & saving will ensue, helping us to realize that we live in a land of Milk & Honey, and that there is plenty of money to go around, plus! Venus Retrograde will help us to recognize that we actually have more money than we thought we had—-and a BOOM, BANG & Cha Ching… in the overall economy is just around the corner. It all begins today!

I am on today, Friday, between 9am & 1pm., pacific & then again this evening between 7pm & 9pm., pacific.

Enjoy your day and upcoming ‘weekend’.

Blessings & Love to you,
Daija ext 32452

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Astro Daija