A Truly GORGEOUS Tuesday


TGIT!!! Yes…it’s a THANK GOD it’s TUESDAY sort of day after one of the most incredible days yesterday… cosmically speaking, with the Sun moving into Gemini yesterday and the Moon move into LEO… no doubt between 6am and midnite last nite, our emotions ran from dark to light, and shades of gray somewhere between.

I’m telling you, that wherever you were yesterday it’s likely you were late, delayed, overstayed, stressed, and perplexed, and possibly, overtaxed to the point of being needy, greedy, and emotionally demanding and immature and perhaps to the point of alienating those around you—-so today could be spent apologizing for being intrusive, dismissive, or virtually interruptive, at just about every turn! REMEMBER COMPASSION today, for yourself and others, and do your best to let the events of yesterday roll off your back!Today’s a new day, and THANK GOD IT’s TUESDAY!!

Today refrain from allowing anything that occurred so far this week (yesterday) to cause you to spin out of control, hold a grudge, exit a relationship, or make hasty decisions. Definitely ‘WAIT’ on making decisions about anything until later in the week, when the moon moves into trust worthy decision making Virgo on Thursday and Friday and even this weekend during the Libra Moon, you’re better judgement and ability to discern all that’s going on around you will allow you to make much better decisions regarding specific situations, because you’ll have the FACTS, and the facts will help you make the best and most wise and righteous judgement calls.

Today is catch up day from all that you failed to complete yesterday—-take your time, and no worries, frets or fears…there just wasn’t enough hours or enough time with all the inconsiderate interruptions. Not to mention it was MONDAY—-and everything happened at once, cosmically speaking, and apparently earthly as well.

Today you may begin a bit dazed and confused, even perhaps a tad bit lazy…lazy… and the day could have a hazy gray hue—-as you begin rather busy, you tend to slow down to a nice even flow around “Noon” or so, eastern time, so… just let the afternoon ‘go a bit slow’ and of course, go with the flow!!

And let’s all thank our ‘lucky stars’ for the great blessing of being here and still alive, on this GORGEOUS and most awesome TERRIFIC TUESDAY!!
Oh, and one more very special thing….

HAPPY BIRTHDAY GEMINI… you see I was so busy yesterday that I didn’t even have a moment to pen my “BLOG”…but I’m BACK… today, and here to stay!And a very special Birthday wish for my precious friend Rebecca over on the CAPE…
I LOVE YOU!!! xxooxx

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Astro Daija