Take A Break Today…


Greetings – Wednesday – August 12th., 2009
Take a break in your routine, just take a break in the action &
drama of ‘LIFE’. Tune into your higher self. Take a walk to the
beach. Hug someone just for no reason. Stop and smell the fresh
sweet aroma of the tropical flowers along the way. Allow your
mind to drift, become unfettered by anything that could hold you
hostage to your emotions or to any drama or negativity that could
cost you your true serenity & happiness today. Just let go… & Live!!

While you’re focusing on the sweeter side of life today, matters of the heart come into play creating a need to express yourself, and in a way that sends you to the Moon & back, relative to love. Those ‘lost in love’ feelings and past sentiments for your old flame or ‘heart throb’ are magically resurfaced. Take a deep breath, center yourself, rest assured that what you’re feeling and sensing is in deed  real, and more likely than not, mutual—-even if s/he is unable to express their true feelings or ‘self’ to you, just yet. Time. Patience. Faith.

You will have an opportunity to grow from all that you are experiencing, provided you are able to clearly receive the message. Turn your focus inward and on your highest self. Allow yourself to ‘know’ that where you are is exactly where you’re supposed to be. Find comfort in ‘where you are’. Embrace your emotions, your feelings, your intellect & where you are right now — figuratively & literally, and do so totally. Doing so will enable you to take the next step. Before you take the next step, you must embrace where you are, and on every level.

Grasp hold of the spiritual truth about ‘what you truly need’ in this physical life.
Then pray and meditate on God’s word, making Him your focus. Suddenly, everything comes together naturally, and you are rewarded with exactly what you truly desired. This is not my promise. It is ‘His’ Promise to all of us, His Children.

I am available today, until 1pm., pacific & then again
this evening between 6pm & 8pm., pacific, only.

If today is your birthday, August 12th., your cosmic colour is Flamingo!! You are an active, assertive producer, and you are ever so talented in achieving exactly whatever it is that you want in your life. You are a natural born leader, people buy into your ideas. You do tend to bite off more than you can chew and this sometimes leads to severe stress. To enhance a better harmonic and balanced flow, decorate your home & office or accent your wardrobe with this lively bold color that will harness your energy, providing a central reserve for you to pull from. The formula to create  Flamingo = Pantone 16-1450

Enjoy a few surprises as you move from your day into evening!

Daija ext 32452

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Astro Daija