How does “NOW” work for You ?


Greetings – Thursday – August 13th., 2009
The Taurus Moon adds stability to our emotional core.
We are better able to understand what it is we need, want
& desire, and then do it ‘now’ vs. wait. If we like something,
and if feels good to us, or right to us, the Taurus Moon will aid
us in ‘manifesting whatever it is’ in our lives. Although most of
us are smitten with idealism regarding love & relationship; 
Venus whips up a dreamy love potion & utter magic when
we sport a Taurus Moon. We recognize what we’re missing, and
take the necessary ‘ACTION’  & put in the “EFFORT & TIME” needed to bring it home, and deal with those irritating issues & detours of life that prevent us from enjoying ‘real love’ ‘tangible love’ in our lives. We simply say to ourselves, “NOW”.

Recently I was in Barnes & Noble, my favorite store, and found this really great ‘clock’ that on every ‘hour’ the word ‘NOW’ was printed in place of the numbers.
I found this clock to be utterly fascinating. I live by that rule—-there is nothing better than NOW to do make up your mind to do anything. Regardless what it is.
We are not always motivated to ‘do the Now thing’ in our lives, but at the same time, the only real time we have is ‘now’. Sure we can speculate about what we’re going to do tomorrow, or next week or next year. However, there are no guarantees, and there is no better time than NOW. I equate my NOW theory on the fact that although it’s unlikely that we will step off a curb and get run over by a bus, tomorrow, there is a likelihood that someone will—–and that someone could be a loved one, or perhaps the ‘ONE’ you love —-yet, perhaps you were too fearful about telling that person how you truly feel about them? If you are the one who steps off the curb tomorrow, wouldn’t it make you happy to know the truth about how someone truly feels about you? Of course… we all desire to know & experience love—-and to know that someone loves us—regardless of who ‘that someone’ is, truly has a powerful effect on how we feel & see  ourselves and in most cases the level of our self esteem is gauged on how much ‘love’ we experience in our lives.

Use the powerful energy of this Taurus Moon to reach out to someone whom you love, and let them know you love them. I didn’t say “STALK THEM” … just let them know your truth. It won’t hurt you but moreso, it will heal you.

I am on this Thursday evening until 10pm., pacific.

If your birthday is today, August 13th., your cosmic colour is Apricot Orange!! You are provocative, innovative, and Individualistic. You have an exceptionally strong spirit and unafraid to dive deeply into the subconsciousness of life and matters of the heart. A resilient nature allows you to balance your emotions with your experiences, good, bad or otherwise. You are loved my many. To Harness some of your energy enabling you to keep a sound reserve, decorate your home and office with this delightful colour. The formula to create Apricot Orange = Pantone 17-1353

Blessings & Love, Daija ext 32452

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Astro Daija