Three Types of Men we Date


Are you dating an Adventurer, or more commonly known as a thrill seeker? Perhaps you’re dating a King? Personally speaking,  and in my professional opinion, dating a King is actually, the best type. Could it be however, that your boyfriend or partner is actually a Prince?

Let’s talk first about the thrill seeker type man, or the player, if you will. Lot’s of fun, stimulating highs and lows, in the end, possibly making you wish you’d never met them. Recommendation: Learn from this one, your true value, and above all don’t become jaded by this thrilling experience.

Ahh, The King!! My all time favorite, chivalrous man. A leader by nature, ever so loving and loyal. He will love you as he loves himself. He’ll wine and dine and take care of you; his Queen, so long as you respect him. One thing to remember however, he is ‘the King’. Emotional connection is learned, in time. The King rules, protects, and enforces his Kingdom, although always dutifully and with great respect.

Shall we become dazzled by Prince Charming? Eventually a prince will become King, just not quite there yet. He’s still searching high and low, for his Princess. He’ll excite, enchant and romance, he’s quite the character in this relational dance. It’s a  guessing game from one date to the next and constantly comparing you to many—- not quite yet wanting responsibility to any!! Yet, one day he just may crown you his Queen, if you can tolerate Prince Peter Pan—for the long haul and not tire in the beginning.

Chances are you’ve been on the dating scene for some time, and you’ve been fortunate to experience all three types. If you’ve just entered or ‘re-entered the dating scene’, prepare yourself for one of the most hair raising or pulling experiences of your life. Yet, so well worth the field work of education ‘real dating’ will provide. These three types of men, briefly described above will most certainly add excitement, flare and fancy to your new world of dating and mating.

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Astro Daija