Happy New Year 2015!!
Today we begin a sparkling clean ‘fresh year’, where we all have great aspirations to do this, that and the other… or ‘stop’ doing, this, that and the other. Yet, because we’re human, most of us will continue doing exactly what we did, yesterday, and the day before that…and what we did last week, and last month… and all unintentionally of course. So this year, let’s write New Year Resolutions that we can truly keep, allowing us to be inspired by our daily successes, rather than pressured by human iniquity. My personal New Year’s Resolution is to enjoy my life more and do more of what I truly desire to do, rather than what other people think or believe or tell me that I should or should ‘not’ do. What is one resolution that you ‘KNOW’ you can and will Keep this year? Speak it. Look in the mirror and speak out loud, saying every word to your reflection in the mirror. Write it down—Be Brave… and write it in the comments section below if you wish. Remember everything we write down or ‘transfer’ from our brain out into the Universe becomes a tangible, and eventually our reality. Living ‘for yourself’ … is not a selfish act. It is only when we first take care of ourselves, that we can effectively partner, give and take care of others. Hau’oli Makahiki Hou — Happy New Year 2015!!