7 Relational Phases — Which Phase are you Experiencing?


Seven phases of the common Romantic Relationship: IPCB-CSB Introduction, Passion, Comfort, Boredom, Complacency, Stagnation, Break-Up!

Most often couples begin their romantic relationship due to a mutual attraction or shared chemistry during the introduction phase leading to expressed sexual intimacy, much to soon. More often than not, when this ‘very human’ and natural phenomena occurs during the introduction phase, the relationship will end before it ever has time to actually ‘launch’ and move into an emotionally connected, stable and mutually enjoyable relationship.

Intro-phase sexually intimate expression, “SEX”… leads to a much less than exciting, “ALL TOO SOON – false sense of comfort/acceptance. This “Comfort Zone” is emotionally dangerous, as it offers nothing tangible past this passionate physical state and is a false sense of relational security. Neither party knowing much else about the other, or having much else in common than physical chemistry/sexual stimulation — yet, feeling comfortable, is a false sense of reality. Sexual intimacy predicates the romantic relationship, actually ‘keeping each other together’ in a false state of comfort. Because the couple enjoys the expressed mutually satisfying ‘feelings’ of sexual intimacy and being together ‘as one’ they experience a mutually enjoyed affectionate connection that feels like at the time, emotional gratification. Technically, that is true, physical stimulation with someone who is accepting of you, and vice verse’ does satisfy an emotional ‘need’ of acceptance. However, it is a false sense of acceptance beyond the sexual ‘act’. The physical need is ‘met’, and sated.The emotional need —- in the moment—is met, yet, past the immediate physical of being in the ’emotionally relative moment’ of sexual gratification, ignites brain activity to repeat as in ‘let’s do it again’… thereby, the need reappears as ‘desire’ to repeat the ‘feeling’ of being in the moment, which is never fully sated. Resulting in what we all refer to as ‘The Booty Call’.

At this stage, of hooking up to meet the physical and what appears to be ‘in the moment emotional needs’—- satisfying that need alone, albeit lacking in all others, leads to boredom. The lack of stimulating and emotionally open and honest communication, and mutually shared interests, other than sex, results in a cycle of sexual gratification, lacking emotional intimacy. Perpetuation of this phase is important therefore, communication is censored and filtered with omission, secrets, and lies in order to foster the physical/sexual connection on at least a ‘PRN’ (as needed) basis. Romantic relationships not based on a solid foundation of mutually shared or enjoyed common interests or lifestyles, will absolutely result in lack of intellectual and emotional intimacy, leading to complacency, stagnation and then of course, eventually a break-up.~

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Astro Daija