What do you think, God thinks about YOU?


Greetings -Sunday – December 5th., 2010
God Loves, He Does Not Think!

What you think God thinks —about You is a concept that, once you ‘get it’, will alter the course and direction of your life. If you’re like me and most people, you’ve had this thought about what —you think, God thinks, about YOU! And I can promise you that what God thinks about you is not what YOU think about you. God’s thoughts about ‘you’ are not your thoughts about you. He does not base His thoughts, about you, on ‘what you’re thinking or not’ thinking about yourself. God does not ‘think in terms of emotion’, God is about demonstrative love. Love changes hearts, condemnation fosters rebellion.

What you ‘Think’, GOD THINKS, About YOU! This is a very important tongue twisting concept that can actually alter the course of your life. Whether you’re Christian or not, I’ve never met anyone who didn’t have a ‘thought’ about what they ‘think’ God thinks or believes about them. That said, based on a divine revelation occurring this morning, I am compelled to deliver this message in a way, today, on this Sagittarius New Moon day, about what you think God thinks about you. We all have great days in our lives where we do a good deed or two, where we’re more honest than perhaps on other days, and we deal with our spouse or children & partners with a bit more grace and forgiveness. Basically, we’re just having a ‘good day’. It’s those good days that we feel good about ourselves, and we also feel good about what we think that God is feeling or thinking about us, too—and of course, we’re thinking that He’s thinking hey, you’re doing good today. And then… there are those days when we act out selfishly, perhaps tell a lie, or violate our own convictions relative to something that we promised ourselves and God that we would never ever do again.

It’s those days when —because we are thinking badly about ourselves that we also think God is thinking badly about us, too. What is so interesting here is that it’s during these times of thinking either Good or Bad about ourselves, that we actually believe God is thinking just like us! And if you think about this notion, you may even laugh, or at least giggle because —-if God’s thoughts about us were based on how we think about ourselves, then God would not be God, our Creator, and able to ‘forgive us’, because He would ‘be us’, and God is ‘GOD’, He is not ‘YOU, Me, or Us’—He is not Human. Therefore, God does not think in the way He created our human minds to think. He is GOD & God Loves you, whether you’re good or bad.

Now some of you are saying, ok, God is God, but what about Jesus? Wasn’t Jesus, God in a Bod? Yes, He is, ‘was’ as Jesus walked the earth, He was God, incarnate in human form, given all the powers of ‘God’ by divine right. God created Man in His Image—and His Image “THE MAN WE COULD SEE WALKING AROUND ON EARTH” was Jesus. God created Man, ‘Jesus’ in the image of a human so that we humans would be able to identify with Him as a Human being, enduring and suffering all the human iniquities and consequences that YOU as a human being are faced with. And thru it all, recognize Him, as a human being, and by virtue of His demonstrating ‘Love’,  see “GOD” & experience “FORGIVENESS” thru Him.

Nobody ever had to make someone go to church when Jesus was speaking. Ungodly people liked Jesus. It was primarily the Godly people during Jesus’ time who had the problem with Him due to his associations with whom they considered ‘ungodly’ people.

This fact alone reveals how God so loved the world, that He gave His only Begotten Son, to the World as a demonstration of His absolute unconditional love & forgiveness for all human iniquity, and sin. And for one reason, because God created us and ‘everything’ therefore, His plan and purpose is only to ‘reveal Himself’ via Love, to all of His creations, and gift us with a choice to remain always in a state of grace via His absolute love is forgiveness.

God’s message thru His incarnation as Christ, allowed us then, and continues to allow us today, 2000 years later to ‘See’ & know Him, regardless who we are. Good, bad or otherwise. When we recognize & accept that God doesn’t think or act with human emotion, but accept & rest in the fact that His Love & forgiveness is the only real valuable true gift to us, which will allow us to accept ‘ourselves’ by choosing to ‘love’ ourselves as His divine creation, and rectify or ‘make right’ our human feelings and emotions of feeling bad about ourselves and feeling unforgiveness of ourselves and others.

By understanding —not interpreting, but understanding & accepting God’s true love for us by allowing us to actually ‘See Him’ and recognize Him as Christ who was the only perfect human being, because He was ‘God in a Bod, enduring all that we humans do, (because Christ was human) every day living in this world. And because God saw via His own incarnation as Christ that we as humans need ‘HIM’ in order to experience His divine LOVE, that He chose to give to us all the powers of Himself enabling us to experience absolute healing, forgiveness, mercy & grace thru the Holy Spirit of His human self, which was ‘Christ’s resurrection unto Himself.

God who was Christ, on earth, after his ‘human death’, returned to His actual state of Spiritual Omnipresent perfection, gracefully and mercifully giving us His Holy Spirit and the choice to accept His Holy Spirit as our gift of ‘absolute unconditional love, forgiveness, mercy & grace’ because He did create us, Human. And He is not there for only ‘one of us’ or for only those who believe they are ‘good’, but for all of us, and loves us all equally, regardless of whether we think or believe that we are ‘good or bad’.

We are all Bad. And we are all Good. We are all God’s creation, and He knows us all, and loves us all exactly the way we are. What we as humans must decide is whether or not, we prefer to remain in a state of condemnation, or accept God’s mercy, grace, love & forgiveness. And it is when we come to this decision to accept His grace, and stop thinking that ‘God’ thinks about us the way WE think about ourselves, that our decision to accept suddenly allows us to surrender our self judgment to GOD, rather than remain in a state of what we believe to be a miserable ‘fall from grace’ or self ridicule and judgment that will only prevent us from experiencing a close and personal relationship to and with God, in the manner He intended for us to see and recognize by His decision to incarnate as ‘Christ’ and walk the earth as a visible ‘to us’ human being—-spending more time during His time here on earth with those ‘ungodly people’ vs. ‘godly people’.

Most of us probably consider ourselves more ‘ungodly than godly people’, which allows us to remain in a state of judgment rather than a state of grace, projecting from a place of divine love. Read Luke 15:1 forward. You will learn that God sees us all ‘equally’, regardless how we behave, good, bad or otherwise.  Our feelings and thoughts are not ‘God’s feelings and thoughts’. If for a moment you could actually ‘see yourself’ as God sees you,  on what you consider to be one of your bad days, you would actually become tearful, crying in amazement at how much you are truly and totally loved. And not for anything you do or don’t do, or for what you do, or how you act, but because you are ‘God’s Creation’. Period. And God only creates that which is good and representative of His Love. And that means YOU—-regardless of your behavior.

The prodigal son is the parable or (made up) story about the party nobody wanted to go to. Read it. If it never registered or made sense to you, it will now. Luke 15:1-32

Today’s message about ‘who God is’, allowed me to accept ‘myself’ —-and when we finally accept ‘who we are’, we can then accept who God is, and in that—- rest in the ‘knowing’ that His love is not a license to behave badly, but to see our behaviors that we don’t like or are unable to accept within ourselves —- as those that we dislike in others —-with ‘less judgment’ and be more accepting, acting toward them, in a spirit of love & forgiveness, rather than ‘judgment’.

Enjoy your Sunday and week ahead.

Aloha Love,

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Astro Daija