Sagittarius New Moon — Remember to make your New Moon Wish!


Greetings -Sunday – December 5th., 2010
I am available this evening between 6pm & 10pm, pacific.
Sagittarius New Moon brings into focus a divine spiritual message of ‘unconditional love’, fostering acceptance & ultimate forgiveness.
Remember to make your New Moon wish today! The candle colour for renewal under this new moon is Sapphire or Cobalt Blue.

Conversations are constructive today, reminding us of reality vs. choosing to live in the fantasy of what we would prefer the way things to be. Whether you’re in a relationship, or considering taking your current relationship to another level, the bottom line is that you realize if you ‘choose’ a circumstance that is less than what you truly desire, then you must also be prepared to accept and deal with the consequences that go along with your decision. It’s that simple.

Therefore, remember that the choices me create are directly relative to the consequences that we endure, suffer or enjoy. If you’re beating yourself up today for something that you created that is less than what you wanted, or what you can accept as your reality, then ‘STOP’ immediately, accepting the decision you made regarding that choice, recognizing that you are not perfect and that ‘you had no intention of malice or harm’, but that you did what you did, and the best course of action now is to find a way to effectively solve your problems, rather than continuing to create them. 

There is no better time than now to ‘truly take a long look at yourself’, and make amends with yourself as well as others, even if done so in silence. Ask and offer forgiveness. And then accept that it is ‘done’, and move on to creating better choices and making better and wiser decisions, for yourself and all concerned, from this point forward.

Make this ‘New Moon’ resolution to wind up 2010 in a way that is filled with love, happiness and joy.

Daija ext 32452

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Astro Daija