Big Plans
Monday to Mid-Week
October 11th thru October 13th., 2010
I am available today until 2pm., pacific & then again
this evening between 7pm & 11pm., pacific.
The week launches with the Moon sharing strengths with Saturn and Mercury on Monday. Some people navigate through the workplace on gut feelings more than others. The term that comes to mind is ‘Auto Pilot’. Yet, today is a good day to trust an inner hunch about how to communicate & convey in detail the design of an important plan you have. Trust the instinct you have about it. Remember that where teams are involved — whether two in a relationship, or several at work — the key is the right communication at the right time.
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Tuesday sets up astro-energies where you feel a certain inner balance and health as you work through your day. The spirit with which you approach your tasks to today is important. Apply diligent effort in getting an important job or task, done and all priority correspondence out of the way first. And remember that your love relationships are as important and perhaps this week, (due to the urgent decisions that must be made)—even more important than those decisions concerning your career. Take a moment during a break to meditate and pray about what matters most to you, and your values that are utmost important to you overall. Then… settle down, sit back, and cruise, while enjoying the remainder day ahead.
Midweek, the Moon is working with Pluto (breakthrough) to set up the potential for a real gain on Wednesday. But you know the old saying, “no gain no pain?” Athletes understand this cliche’— well, but for the rest of us it means that real progress never comes easy. You might feel boxed in by certain physical or geographical restrictions. Don’t let that chew you up inside. Instead look at options, now, and make plans for growth that will bring the transformation you seek…suddenly you get that boost from within at the core of your being that will enable you to do what you need to do in order to live your dreams. You have time—-later in the week to examine your lofty ideas—-choosing one or perhaps two, and making something magical occur. You can do this. God & His supernatural energy via the cosmos is pumping you UP, Lighting up your Life!
Daija ext 32452