The Call


Greetings – Sunday – October 10th., 2010
I am available today until 3pm., pacific & then again
this evening between 7pm & 11pm., pacific.

As the Moon enters Sagittarius today a sense of freedom awakens within us, we just know what we need to do in order to achieve the result we’re seeking. This is a day of reckoning, both internally & externally where what we thought we knew—-we find we truly don’t even have a clue about.

This can be quite alarming, to some degree, for some people. If you’re the type of person who prefers to keep your head in the sand, blinders on, or remain in the literal carnation of all that is—-avoiding to dive deeper when you do get ‘that ping’ or ‘zap’ of introspection —–perhaps fearing ‘losing yourself’ in the process, should you indulge—–then you will most definitely miss the sweet spot of what could be the greatest opportunity of your life, today, just after 3pm., eastern time.

A Jupiter Moon is expansive—abundant, bringing things to ‘light’ and into ‘the light’ allowing veil of wisdom to encourage & challenge you to take control or better enjoy, or at least be positively more curious in those areas of your life where darkness has prevailed. Today a solid beam of light, stretches across your internal sky of emotional intelligence & awareness, you are able to see something with so much more clarity than perhaps ever before. A specific answer you’ve been seeking, such as ‘does s/he’ truly love me, or ‘not’ —–or “I know s/he loves me, deeply, as I do her/him—yet, so fearful of what that love could do to me, or what allowing her/him into my life could cost me….and am I willing to risk all for ‘real love’? These are the questions that you will not only be pondering, but plagued with until you conclude an answer—-wreak havoc in your life until you’re prepared to deal with them, within yourself directly.

The old cliche’ about how ‘Today is the first day of the rest of your life’… rings true today in the most profound way. And the best part about today’s lunar influence allows you to begin your reality in preparation of answering to ‘the call’.

Daija ext 32452

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Astro Daija