Wknd Update Saturday, July 3rd., 2010 Space & Kindness


Greetings – Wkend Update, Saturday – July 3rd., 2010
I am available this evening between 7pm & 10pm., pacific.

Bombs already bursting in air—I feel like I am reliving Pearl Harbor all over again! And it’s not even the fourth, yet—in this country! But it’s all good. Just please everyone be ‘safe’ while handling all those explosives.

The moments we share today & this weekend will be remembered for a long time, so make them good memories. Pushing or pulling, at least too fast on anyone or anything, will create dissonance. It’s a weekend to celebrate freedom—this also means the freedom to communicate truth,
your truth is important. How & what you’re feeling is important. Open up
& talk about things with those who are willing & able & willing to be emotionally open and honest with you.

Leave those alone who desire to be left alone, other wise you could push them away indefinitely or permanently. No harm done with reaching out, but when no reply, don’t push. Recognize that their behavior is not about you—but about them. They are telling you something by ‘not responding’. Their lack of response is due to the fact that they are wrapped up in their own stuff. Right wrong or otherwise, it’s about them, and there is no intention of malice or harm in their choice to ‘not respond’ — although not responding is somewhat rude—so if you are the person who is choosing to ‘not respond’ think about how you might feel if you were on that end. It’s important to remember to treat others the way you want to be treated. To ignore someone is rude behavior. SO if you are the person who is choosing to be despondent, then take the time to write a nice reply, such as thank you for reaching out to me, but I am in my own space right now and need time, and ask that person to please step back and be patient with you.

Then if the person reaching out, fails to give you the room you need—-then make the choice to ignore, if you wish.  Remember all relationships boil down to communication, and it’s not about any old communication but about the right kind of communication for your particular situation, circumstance and relationship.

Enjoy July 4th ‘Eve’… have fun & be safe.
Daija ext 32452

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Astro Daija