A Happy & “Patient” 4th!


Greetings – Sunday – July 4th., 2010
I am available today until 2pm., pacific & then again this evening between 7pm & 10pm., pacific.

While celebrating today with family & friends, remember PATIENCE. Today’s lunar phase & positioning will influence behaviors in a way that could make you feel a tad bit edgy.

Not a good time to talk about aggravating issues pertaining
to your relationship—save those little or ‘big’ talks for another day. And if you tend to have an emotional melt downs around family gatherings—today as you feel it coming on, calmly & politely excuse yourself, go to your car, the bathroom, wherever you can go, to be alone for a few. This will enable you to avoid becoming the July 4th., topic of conversation & center of attention. Which is absolutely something you
Don’t Want!

It’s one of those super fun days, but filled with what appears to be nosy people asking ‘too too’ many questions. And no doubt, their approach will put your panties in a wad, working your every last nerve. Relax!! Make a decision to not become offended, or irritated, but rather choose to believe that they are asking questions due to their genuine interest in you or your situation. And if you don’t want to talk about things, simply smile, using agreeable replies such as, yes, sure, I agree, I understand, or I will think about it. And then change the subject or exit, gracefully.

Oftentimes when people may seem to you to be ‘over the top’ inquisitive, it’s difficult to look at their behavior from a positive vs. negative perspective–and especially when you may not feel like being such an open book. Make today a fun, happy, enjoyable day where you forget about your trials, troubles and tribulations, and simply enjoy your life & the freedom you are blessed with in your life. 

Happy 4th!! 

Aloha hugs & blessings to you,
Daija ext 32452

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Astro Daija