ABUNDANCE: The Perfect State of Mind


Greetings – Tuesday – Sept. 8th., 2009
What do you have & what do you need? Today’s Taurus Moon induces a desire to ‘get more’ … to have more than what we currently possess. The word, “Greed” comes to mind. Not that you will suddenly ‘become’ greedy — your natural characteristics regarding ‘greed’ plays an active role. Therefore, if you are not potentially greedy, then you won’t suddenly become ‘greedy’. However, what this transit insinuates is a desire to ‘while’ out shopping, or gambling, or gathering—the ‘Taurus Moon’ influences us to take a bit more than perhaps we would normally, ‘JUST IN CASE’. That is where I will caution you due to what ‘that term’ Just in Case actually means.

Taking a smidgen more of ‘something’ with a Just In Case attitude insinuates ‘LACK = Fear’. When we hoard anything or take more than we ‘need’ of anything it means that we fear being without it or living in a state of scarcity. Change your attitude today and take or buy only what you need as your normal or adequate supply. Remembering Faith vs. Fear, & to remain always in Good Cheer!

For many of us we begin our work week today, and we’re all a tad bit out of sorts due to the holiday weekend. This wigged out feeling subsides later in the day as we get into our routines, getting back into the sync of things. Take it slower than normal, pace yourself and pamper yourself a bit along the way, remembering that you are human; NOT ROBOTIC!

I am available today, Tuesday, until 1pm., pacific & then again this evening
between 7pm & 10pm., pacific.

If your birthday is today, Sept. 8th, your cosmic colour is Etruscan Red!! You know what you want and you’re not about to settle for less. A real ‘go getter’ from Dawn to Dusk, nothing gets in your way when you’re on a mission. You are rather charming Intelligence whips up your magical communication on just about anything and everything under the sun. You are able to go about business effortlessly, creatively working deals and collecting money. Success is second nature to you. To better balance your energy & bring more love & personal happiness in your life, decorate your home or office with this sassy colour! The formula for Etruscan Red = Pantone 18-1434

Enjoy your day and week ahead!

Blessings & love,
Daija ext 32452

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Astro Daija