9.9.9… Wash, Rinse, Repeat…


Greetings – Wednesday – September 9th, 2009
Today is a very special ‘day & date’, 9.9.9… and there is actually nine letters in the spelling of September. September 9 also is the 252nd day of the year. 2+5+2 = …but of course, nine! The next time we will experience a singular set of same digits is many, many moons from now. I will figure out the exact date or if any of you care to help me here, (much appreciated) and report about it later in the week. The number 9 and it’s significance is pretty phenomenal in our everyday lives, as you will continue to read below.

Besides this tidbit of trivia, we are destined to experience some especially interesting cosmic activity, especially where ‘Mars’ is placed in your chart, you can count on some interesting “HOT” action. I am sitting here right now in awe, and not due to this being a 999… day, but because I remember what I was doing, exactly on 9.9.99!! Either my memory is exceptional, or I need to get a life!! Nine is my favorite single digit due to the infinity of the number Nine. Regardless how many times you add or multiply Nines, you will always come up with ‘Nine’ as your final single digit.

Nine means “No” in German. Nine is considered the most unlucky number in Japanese culture. The number nine has particular significance in classical music. Beethoven, Schubert, Bruckner and Mahler all died after completing their ninth symphonies. Read Revelation 9 in the bible, interesting how it’s relative to ‘end times’; the result, a new beginning!

Revolution 9, by the Beatles, speaks for itself. History repeats itself. Every decade ends with the number ‘9’. Baseball revolves around the number 9! How is the number 9 significant to you? I believe that ‘9’ is a magical number. Miracles occur around the number ‘9’. In Astrology the 9th house rules infinite travel, inlaws, spiritual law, principle, physics & publishing. The planet Mars vibrates to the number 9. Those who have dates of birth or Mars placed in Aries or Scorpio are favorably affected and especially sensitive to the number ‘9’. I always wanted to get married on this date, and came very close to doing so! I believe I have been spared now, I’ve broken the repetitive cycle!! Knowing now that ‘my next time’ will indeed be ‘forever’!! 🙂

The number nine is all about Repetition. We learn by repetition. Our businesses survive & thrive via repetition. Take time today to think about and consider how this day is affecting you favorably. You will arrive at great conclusions today. Miracles will occur—-changing your life forever.

I am available today, Wednesday, until 2pm., pacific & then again tonight between 6pm & 8pm., pacific. Short evening hours tonight!

If your birthday is today, September 9th., your cosmic colour is Grape Royale!! You are intense, provocative, & mystic. Totally dissatisfied with superficial ‘anything’ you strive for more meaning to all things in life and in communications. You are incredibly Deep, stimulating, and strive to create a passion for all that you emerge yourself in. To bring your life into a place of peaceful content where you are more relaxed and able to release pent up energy, decorate your home or office with this relaxing & calming colour. The formula to create Grape Royale = Pantone 19-3518

Enjoy this incredible day!

Love & blessings,
Daija 32452

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Astro Daija