Get Real with Your Life


Greetings – Monday – August 17th., 2009
Today is a very special day, it is the anniversary date of my parents who, if Mother
was alive, would be their 52nd wedding anniversary. I know Mother is speaking to me,
today, giving me a subtle but very clear message to not let love…real love pass me by!
My parents didn’t have what I would call the marriage made in heaven, nor the most romantic
marriage in the world…but they did love each other and they were committed each to the other.
Like most people, I viewed my parents relationship as a model for me to base my romantic relationships. Unfortunately, my parent’s marriage in the sense of ‘true happiness’ was a very poor example of marriage relative to HAPPINESS, causing me to vow never to ever endure a relationship like theirs. 

What kind of example are you setting for your children in the area of love & relationship, marriage and commitment? This week we are tempted to project to the world something much different than we truly feel. Fantasy meets Facts on our intrinsic nature of what we truly want, need and desire in our lives to what we actually ‘have manifested in our lives’ that we call reality.

It’s likely that we will tend toward peering thru rose coloured glasses to allow ourselves to feel better or worse, putting on a facade by looking good to others. The phrase ‘faking it’ comes to mind. YUCK! Faking feelings or ‘whatever you’re faking’ vs. choosing to be real, or making yourself truly happy by doing and living in the reality of what ‘makes you happy’—- will ‘in the end’ cost you, and perhaps cost you your entire life of happiness. Sure phobias and circumstances do prevail in our subsconscious—-yet, those are areas that must be looked at and worked thru in order to enjoy and life an authentic life and lifestyle. It’s not about aires & appearances. It’s about reality and happiness, regardless what that means to anyone else other than you. You are responsible for your own happiness & it is a choice that you will make. Period.

If you don’t like something, or someone, then don’t allow it or them into your life or as a part of your life. Period. And if you do like someone or something then let them in, in every way, and choose to be honest with how you feel, & think about them, and share your feelings. The cosmic theme today is about creating the right choices of people and things that we enjoy in our lives vs. just settling for something or a person in our lives. If something isn’t quite… then it’s not quite right. If someone or something causes you to compromise your morals, values and principles, then that person is not ‘right’ for you. That doesn’t mean that s/he is a bad person, it just means that they are bad for you. 

Settling in life for anything that is not what makes you happy and healthy, joyful and walking in LIGHT—-is wrong for you. Period. No ‘If … Ands or Buts’ About it!

It’s time to choose to live authentically. Be real and get real, and your life will magically turn into a life of happiness based on ‘REALITY’ …the reality that you choose.

I am available this evening, Monday evening between 8pm & 11pm. Pacific.

If your birthday is today, August 17th., your cosmic colour is Mecca Orange!!
You are deep. You are a healer. And you are quite perceptive. You are are quite psychic and able to ‘see things’ that will help and possible hinder, so tune in by choosing to meditate, making things around you much more clear. You are seen
by others as a mental type with a quiet loving but calculating spirit. You are wise,
critical and can be judgmental. Calm your energy by decorating your home or office or accenting your wardrobe with this Indian Summer color. The formula for Mecca Orange = Pantone 18-1450

Enjoy your day and we’ll talk this evening.

Daija ext 32452

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Astro Daija