Accept, Dismiss or Deny?


Greetings – Tuesday – August 18th., 2009
Uranus rocks your world today with significant changes & challenges that you didn’t plan on contending with. It is more often times quite mind boggling. Yet, incredibly significant in how we can wake up one day where everything is OK… perfect actually—–then within 24 hours, SUDDENLY—-yeah, the very next day, we awaken to a broken, what appears to be a nearly shattered world? You think, how can this be? What has happened, I’m falling apart!

What is actually happening is not necessarily real—-but merely perceived. Unless what has occurred is a sudden death or tangible ‘LOSS’  —what is actually being experienced is primarily emotionally based. Because truly nothing has actually physically changed —- (unless it was indeed a physical or tangible change to your environment) but our idea or thoughts about a particular situation, circumstance or person has changed.

There is a huge difference in experiencing the reality of something that has ‘actually’ changed vs. ‘feeling’ something has changed. One is tangible and we eventually must accept the reality. The other is emotional, and our emotions are controllable…they are our choice.

By choosing to allow your emotional discontent to cause you to ‘ACT’ on anything during a time like this—-will add to your misery. Remember your emotions are exactly that, your emotions. And your head is in control over your emotions &/or any emotional discontent. What could be at the root of ‘what you are perceiving’ is where whatever your given circumstance, you are in the moment where suddenly “ALL YOUR DREAMS or Ideas you once could see so gloriously and happening so wonderfully—-even just yesterday, Suddenly Shatter … crumbling into pieces right before your eyes.

Get a grip on what is actually happening… allowing yourself to truly see ‘objectively’ your choices, options, opportunities, solutions in dealing effectively with your reality. And if you can identify that your world is still in perfect order, your job is in tact, your home is safe, you are alive and well—-as are those family and friends close to you, then you can be clear that what is happening is more about your emotional intelligence vs. the reality of your environment. Take hold of yourself, choosing to ‘calm yourself by tuning into God’. Allow yourself to rest in the Lord, relaxing every emotional muscle such as you relax every physical muscle when you lay down at nite taking comfort in your cozy bed, allowing it to support you without ‘thinking’ or ‘doing anything’.  Take comfort in His arms, such as you take comfort in your bed when you lay down to rest. GOD is in control—-give your feelings of emotional despair to Him, suddenly you will feel the burden lifted. Truly, there is nothing wrong, but you will suddenly realize that everything is all ‘right’.

I am on today, Tuesday, until 2pm., pacific & then again this evening between
7pm & 10pm., pacific.

If your birthday is today, August 18th., your cosmic colour is Rust!! You are charismatic, entertaining, persevering & successful. You know how to achieve wealth and prosperity, you know how to live by the Golden rule & apply it to your life. Fortunately discipline is easy for you and you are committed and devoted to those whom you love & who depend on you. To bring about balance in your life adding a zest of spice & thrill to your regimented lifestyle, decorate your home or office, or accent your wardrobe with this heady Colour. The Formula to create RUST = Pantone 18-1248

Enjoy your day and evening.
Disallow emotional discontent by tapping into Spirit.

Blessings & love,
Daija ext 32452

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Astro Daija