Real Love or Something Else?


Greetings – Wednesday – June 3rd., 2009
Letting go isn’t a sign of weakness or giving up…
it’s a sign that you’re committed to achieving success!

Today we are better able to recognize emotional limits and
to realize that regardless of what someone else wants, before
we can give unto that person, we must also get our needs met.
And there is a difference between someone with a personal agenda
who chooses to give vs. those who give of ‘themselves’ out of love.

If love is real within a coupled situation, then the giving will never
evoke resentment. Someone said to me just recently … I resent… and
I stopped them right there. In matters of Love… the idea, concept or thought
of resentment in your vocabulary will burn your relationship at the stake, sooner
or later. In matters of love, true, authentic love, give & take is always with kindness,
compassion, joyfully & with pure intent and always with a sincere desire to ‘show’ that
we love him/her. In real love ‘giving’ is never with resentment, regret or any other negative
sentiment or ulterior motive attached.

Remember love is ‘pure & kind’.  It is just how ‘real love’ is. Think about it… when we love someone, our children, our spouse, our boyfriends or girlfriends, and I mean ‘seriously’  love them, then giving to them is most often or generally provided before our beloved usually requests it. It is always good to ask for what you want, need and desire, yes, but when you think about ‘love’ and those whom you’ve truly loved and who’ve truly loved you, it is rare that intuitively we are unable to just ‘pick up’ (if you will) on the needs, either emotionally or otherwise, and provide for those whom we truly love, automatically… it is just ‘how love is’.
We won’t find ourselves making excuses for ‘NOT DOING SOMETHING’ for them, because real love has a desire to give and to show, to demonstrate.

So are you experiencing real love or ‘something else’?? 

If it is real love between two people, then that love will be honored, cherished and always sacred. Never scoffed at or mocked and certainly treasured. The communication between those whom we love is of the utmost importance, and something to never dismiss, discount or throw back in their face something that they told us in confidence. For a loved one to use a confidence as a weapon to hurt us, or to get our attention, is absolutely ‘not love’. To betray a confidence to get back at that someone whom we say we love —even if only in a heated conversation or in anger, is detrimental to the future of your relationship, because those words are chosen by you to harm them or hurt them —meaning you are making the choice to ‘act’ or behave in a way that is hurtful, and insofar as love is concerned, is destructive and truly to make unkind or hurtful remarks is reprehensible—-and certainly not ‘real love’.  And the first ‘punch’ if you will should not be tolerated, Period. That is when yes, you can forgive, & do so for yourself. But unless you’re married to this person, don’t stick around thinking that the relationship is going to get better. It’s not. It’s time to pack up and go, immediately. No counseling necessary when it’s a non committed relationship. It’s just time to say adios amigo!

Yes, even ‘once’ is too much and sets a pattern to the beginning of emotional abuse. In matters of the heart and love, it is about loving…and love does not hurt. It feels good. Love is about listening, and hearing what is being said —even if what you are hearing isn’t what you may want to accept from the other person—but you must listen and you’ll want to listen if you truly love them. We don’t push away those whom we love, but embrace them and what is on their mind and heart. But absolutely love is about ‘understanding’ not about resentment and not about revenge and not about being dismissive or hurtfully sarcastic… as in doing something for someone and then complaining about it ‘to them’ after. Love is not about martyring.

I’ve always said that “real love” is about communication & energy. What we talk about and share with our loved one should never thrown back in our face—-and when we confide in that person, and give unto that person, if it is real love then we are never sorry for having ‘shared’ something deep and personal because we know that person will treasure our vulnerability with them. And the energy dynamic between both parties will be consistently loving, pure and kind, ‘giving’. It —real love—will not be controlling, mean, hateful, sarcastic, exhibit a poor attitude or make excuses for behavior, therefore, if you are experiencing
any of these characteristics in your relationship, then your relationship isn’t about Love. It’s about something else…and that needs to be discussed. So let’s talk about it, today. ~

Blessings & Love,
Daija ext 32452

I am available today, Wednesday, June 3rd., between 9am & 1pm., pacific & then again this evening between 7pm & 10pm., pacific.

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Astro Daija