New Love & Surprising Revealed Secrets add Sizzle to a Miraculous Sunday!


It’s Sunday, June 24th, Secret and Surprise is the name of the Game today, and possibly for the week ahead! Still moving forward in Mercury Retrograde—no doubt 20 steps forward, to find yourself standing still when you’ve thought you’ve reached your destination. You may have a very strong desire for physical love now, which you express with urgency and compulsion. But in your haste you may latch on to the first person available and not wait for someone who is good for you. Also you may become so intensely fascinated by this new person —and so much so, that you do not see him or her clearly. The problem is that you are under the influence of unconscious drives that are not operating according to your best interests. This weekend and week ahead is all about making sure that you ‘THINK before YOU ACT’ For example, if you are married or in a long-term relationship, even happily, you might suddenly become fascinated by another woman, or man, which could disrupt your stable relationship. Avoid the temptation to go with the other person, for this relationship will probably prove to be temporary, and could ‘cost’ you much more than you can afford to lose.Wait until this influence is well over before making a commitment to any relationship that comes to you now. Such a relationship is inherently unstable, at least for now—–and more about the physical than the spiritual anyhow!

So just ‘THINK before you ACT’ and if you must ACT on something, that’s fine, but make those ACTIONS count in a way that will bring about a WIN-WIN situation for all involved. Honesty and Integrity, Loyalty and Fidelity is of the utmost in order to maintain a foundation of Trust within the boundaries of all relationships. 

Yeswe are are human, and there is not a single one of us who is perfect. And Yes, we are to forgive each other unconditionally, as Christ forgives us, absolutely. However, at the same time, it is because we are “not perfect” as human beings “that we must accept this fact”, and then accept our unconditional forgiveness from God thru Christ upon our request of forgiveness and acceptance of the Holy Spirit. And Yes, it’s truly that easy!

We humans try to do the Work of the Holy Spirit when it’s actually the other way around.
All we are to do is just relax and allow the Holy Spirit to do the work in Us! He can handle the burdens Life throws at us so much better and easier, too! Miraculously, actually! 🙂

I’ll take a Miracle, any day, everyday won’t you? Of Course!!

Today, actually let’s experience many!!!

Let’s all EXPECT a MIRACLE and enjoy at least one maybe two or even three today in our lives! I’ve already experienced a miracle in my life today, and I’ll bet if you looked around at your life, you’ll see clearly, a miracle or two that God’s worked in your life, too!

Love and blessings to you all…
 Daija xo

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Astro Daija