A Restful Relaxing Cozy Weekend…& Don’t Shoot the Messenger!!!


After the last two days, WE NEED THIS RELAXING RESTFUL WEEKEND! Whew, I don’t know about you all, but the last two days have ‘kicked’ my behind all over the place! But hey, gotta take the good with the bad, and plow thru it all, get up when you get knocked down and brush yourself off and keep on truckin’ as they (we) all used to say in the 70’s! God, I hate when I continue to date myself and become my parents! We all eventually become our parents, and our grandparents, and we even  eventually drive their cars, and wear their clothes and eat their food, and take their medicines! YUCK! And what’s the alternative? STAY HEALTHY in body, mind and soul—-and the HOUSE OF THE BODY MIND AND SOUL is in fact the SPIRIT!

Our spiritual mindset is what keeps our momentum and drive alive, alert and LEARNING! People, if you truly have a desire, a SINCERE DESIRE to STAY YOUTHFUL, then remain a WHY CHILD and continue that insatiable search for KNOWLEDGE in TRUTH! Resist becoming a slave to ‘what everybody else does or doesn’t do’ or listening to whom everybody listens or doesn’t listen to. SEEK THE TRUTH by choosing to CLOSE YOUR MIND, and OPEN YOUR HEART to the HOLY SPIRIT, who in fact, KNOWS ALL THINGS, who can and will bless you with the supernatural powers of GOD, in all areas of your life. He is your guide and protector in this physical life and on your journey in this Life. He is your GIFT!

Allowing your Heart to feed your Mind with the Supernatural GIFT OF THE SPIRIT will Bless your life in amazing ways. But the greatest gift of all, is finally to be shown how to serve GOD in the manner in which you were called to serve Him. By accepting the awesome gift of Grace,  Knowledge, & Miraculous Power, of the Holy Spirit in your life, to work miracles in your life—-you will experience ‘great change’ of course, but in the midst of that great change, you will experience, great peace, joy, abundance, prosperity, compassion, kindness, and most of all ‘Real Love’.

The weekend is restful and relaxing and quite cozy actually—-I like it! Hugs and kisses are always welcome regardless of whom they come from on a sweet charming huggable lovable weekend like this. A nice Cancer moon still hanging overhead, and just after we are one day into this Mercury Retrograde—-thank GOD we need that softening influence—- and please refrain from shooting the messenger!! Remember in mythology, Mercury is the Winged Messenger!

Talk to me, what truth are you prepared to hear?  Gemini is ruled by Mercury, whom in mythology was known as “The Messenger.”  As such, people with a heavy influence of Mercury can make excellent communicators, teachers, and business people.  But, whether you’re delivering the truth, or receiving it… you have to be ready for it.  Many people are not — that’s where the phrase, “shooting the messenger,” comes from… it’s easier to get angry with the truth bringer, than to receive a truth for which you’re unprepared.  When you are ready to hear your truth, it can be a major breakthrough experience. Embrace it. And remember . . .

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Astro Daija