Facing Adversity


Adversity is not necessarily All Bad! Just for a moment, take a brief look at the past adversities in your life. Although not at all welcome at the time, adversity in your life works to serve in a positive way. Adversity in our lives allows us to see where our lives are out of balance as well as to test our faith. Do you depend on yourself to get thru the difficult times and rough spots in your life? Have the choices you’ve made attributed to your feelings of despair right now? Although you may not be particularly happy right now with the events in your life, are you able to live and thrive above your circumstances?

Do you depend on your faith in GOD to bless you with the right solutions or do you just plug along with worry, stress & strife about this, that and the other, more often than not, not knowing what to do, filled with anxiety, fret and fear, perhaps even waiting for the worst to occur?  Are there relationships in your life where when you are with that person you feel anxious, threatened, fearful, and just ‘not OK’, but uncertain about why ‘this relationship’ does not feel quite right to you? Do you feel emotionally or spiritually compromised? These particular relationships and areas of your life are those areas where you are making compromises in your morals, values and principles, and must be addressed, and a action steps taken toward developing &/or finding a solution that will bring about a beneficial & favorable result.

For example, if you are concerned about “Money” or your financial future, then it is likely that you have failed to lay a financial foundation that will provide you the degree of security that you need in order to feel at peace, and secure. Another example of where you may be feeling anxiety is perhaps in a romantic or personal relationship. Look at this relationship carefully. If it is a healthy relationship then it will allow you peace and the ability to feel good about yourself within the parameters of the relationship.

If you are feeling anything ‘less-than’ happiness, joy, peace & contentment in your romantic,  personal, or professional relationship, then it’s time to take a moment or two, and look deeply into what it is ‘exactly’ that is affecting you adversely.  Take time to write out how things truly are, and how you are feeling and dealing with your relational angst. Doing so will allow you the ability to see where your responsibility—starts and stops—and how what you are doing or ‘not’ is lending to the challenges within the structure of your relationship. And finally from this angle you will be better able to implement new behaviors that will override what you are currently doing in order to return to a state of balance, peace and tranquility. Call me and let’s talk about where you are. There is a solution, I promise you.~


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Astro Daija