What could I be DREAMING?


Have you ever been asleep or nearly asleep and SUDDENLY or Violently felt your entire body ‘JERK’ or ‘TWITCH’ nearly out of control for about a second or two? 

We all have felt this disconcerting phenomena upon falling asleep or just after going to sleep, on occasion. The name for this reaction or sensation is called a Myclonic Jerk.

**(This is also a name commonly used for the guy whom you just broke up with or the guy who just broke up with you… LOL!

Girls, I just couldn’t resist
 . . . ; )

Many people who dream they are falling will oftentimes twitch or jerk their entire torso, arms or legs. And as a result immediately wake themselves up. There is no absolute reason as to why this occurs. One theory is that Myclonic Jerks occur out of our instinctive defense response for what our brain perceives as a potentially dangerous or harmful situation or circumstance. It’s a “fight or flight” type response. Sometimes dreams are so real that the brain believes that we are really falling or in some sort of danger. And hence the brain sends signals to the body to “flee” for safety.

Dreaming is a natural part of our sleep, we all dream and most of us do experience some recall. It’s a good and wise idea to begin a dream journal. You’ll be surprised by how recording—-even the tidbit of information that you can recall—-will alter your waking life in a way that will have a positive life changing effect and especially so in all your relationships.

I’ll be exploring more about dreams with you soon…

Astro Daija