Freedom To Live Well & in Control of Our Lives & How we Choose to Live


Today we are rushing around filing & paying our taxes here at the
‘final hour’ … so take a moment to offer gratitude to God &
His Universe for allowing us the freedom & opportunity to live in
a country where our choices are nearly unlimited. We literally can
do what we desire to do at any given moment, without much restriction,
if any, so long as we do so within the vast parameters of constitutional
laws set forth, giving us ‘real Freedom’ to pursue our goals, dreams, and

Given that—-why is it that so many of us ‘feel’ stuck where we are?
There are many variables that lend to creating feelings and emotions,
which should not be relied upon in making important decisions. Hence,
it is in our better judgment to ‘make decisions’ based on logic & reason,
than emotion and feeling.

And how do we know the difference between ‘feeling’ and ‘thinking’?
Our feelings are based on ’emotion’, and emotions are spiritually generated
based on relating—or our relationship to this, that or the other.

We cannot ‘think’ a feeling. We can only ‘generate’ a feeling…by virtue of a
relational connection that we are unable to define, logically. But we know we
like the feeling… or we know we don’t like the feeling.

Thinking pertains to ‘not how we feel’ but what we conclude based on facts
or tangibles that we are able to determine by virtue of particular present
patterns that we are able to calculate. rationally, practically & logically.

Example: We don’t feel 2+2=4
We Think and reason based on proven calculations and logic, that
Example: We don’t Think: I love you.
We ‘feel’ I love you based on the emotional connection that is expressed
via relating. And the same is true in the opposite.
When the relationship is soured, we feel sad. We don’t think Sad. We
feel it at the depth of our being, emotionally.

So how are your relationships going for you? Do you feel stuck, trapped, unhappy, negative and unfulfilled, sad? Do you feel happy, joyous, positive, and fulfilled?  Let’s talk about what you’re feeling & sensing. Chances are you are on to something, and need validation
or guidance to move from where you are to the place where you have ‘Freedom’ to enjoy.

I am on today between 9am & 1pm., pacific & then again this evening
between 7pm & 10pm.

Blessings & love,

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Astro Daija