Fact or Fiction?


Greetings – Saturday – April 25th., 2009
The day after a “New Moon” can be socially inviting, entertaining and ‘a lot of fun’ for sure—but it can also make you question what is truly important to you. There is much going today & this weekend—cosmically speaking that will bring out the worst & best in us and in our relationships.

You will be able to get to the bottom of things that have been pressing or pressuring you— and in many ways your current relationship, or current state of emotions, could seem or feel confusing, or just quite difficult to deal with.

The far and away Mercury-Neptune aspect will bring about a fact-fantasy type of interaction with lovers and partners—-so remember to ‘stay focused’ on the ‘truth’…
at least YOUR TRUTH, of the equation. What you believe to be is right, just and true for you, regardless of what your partner could be attempting to make you believe.

Facts of situations will give you a foundation to stand on, to cling to, and cannot be argued, other than to display & in favor of, the truth.

Fiction is based on hypothetical theory, and is weightless in an argument,
yet, communicated with a lot of rhetoric, that can sound real good. But won’t hold up in the courtroom.

Let’s hope that the communications you encounter this weekend won’t lead to the courtroom—-however if they do, remember it is the truth, logic and what ‘Is’ that will allow you to obtain the best outcome—-when faced with adversity. Stick to the facts, and disallow outbursts of emotion in a way that will destroy credibility. When Neptune (fantasy) & Mercury (communication) work together, it’s quite difficult at times to actually ‘see’ where one stops & the other begins… but you will know. 🙂

I am on today, Saturday, until 1pm., pacific &
then again this evening between 7pm & 10pm., pacific.

Call me today and let’s talk about You & what is going on in your life.
Blessings & love,
Daija ext 32452

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Astro Daija