The “Original” Fall from Grace


Men are not complicated.
They are afraid.
Women scare them.

Rightfully so… we are of fickle mind, and loving heart.
We can suck them in …and dismiss them better than they can us.
When they think everything is ‘alright’… we drop the bomb. It’s rarely the
other way around.

Men are dense.
God made them that way so we could control them.

We must remember that we are ‘Eve’.
Eve caused Adam to fall from Grace.
Because Adam was just happy to walk
around naked in la la land.

It was Eve who was the inquisitive one,
the one who had to learn.
Her knowledge and Adam’s submission …
led to the fall of Humanity from paradise.

Since that time Man has been attempting to get even.

It’s never going to happen.

The world will end first.

What is happening now with the
Government confirms man’s fear & his
desire to control by attempting to remove our Freedom!

So what are we going to do about it as an individual People & as a Nation?
Your thoughts??

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Astro Daija