A Day of Deep Thought


Greetings – Thursday – December 3rd., 2009
I am available today until 2pm., pacific & then again this
evening between 7pm & 10pm., pacific.

Today’s watery luna is all about ‘altering your consciousness’ & changing your thoughts from negative to positive flow patterns. The heels of a full moon provide just the perfect venue for a new or renewed attitude, mindset & self-propelled realignment to take place. Are you stuck in the past, living in the moment, or fantasizing about the future? All the above?? The waning Cancer moon glazes us with glimpses of ‘what could be’ & some (most) of us are quite ‘scared to ‘go there’ even in our imagination. It’s one of those fright day into nite futuristic ideals rolling around inside our heads, that upon listening to, speaks volumes about how resistant we are to change.

Interestingly enough, most of us don’t have a problem with ‘favorable’ change, that we create by making plans. It’s the challenging effects of sudden change that upsets our routines, commonly referred to as adversity, or unplanned change imposed upon us, that can lead us from everything is ‘ok’ to immediate ‘Chaos’. And we are conditioned to move into a crisis mode. All that is fine, to a certain extent when we go from status quo to sudden changes that create unbalance. Being able to jump from a natural calm state of being into crisis mgmt. mode reveals our ability to shift gears with immediate challenging or changing circumstances that require our immediate ability to ‘act’.

What you’ll be more inclined to do today due to the cosmic forces that be, is to begin thinking about all those ‘what if’s’ …that ultimately or immediately create illusion based fear. How often have you said to yourself, if I do this, I will make a million bucks? And then, have that thought cause you to shrink from or dismiss your idea due to the fear associated with that thought? Not many, if any!

However, how often have you said to yourself, if I do this, I could loose a million or at best, a lot of money? And then shrink from or dismiss the idea of thought? Probably a lot of you, me included. However, reconsider your thoughts & the concept of proposing in or engaging in your standard type and style of self talk. Do you speak to yourself in the negative or the positive? In considering both ideas, neither outcome has yet occurred. In the realm of mere thought, you have not actually changed or altered your circumstance, in this case, made or lost money. True? Therefore the thought or outcome is still an illusion, as is the idea—because they are both still in the realm of mere ‘thoughts’ or ideas, or at best, fantasy. However, it is your action or ‘lack of action’ that will create the outcome. So my question to you is this: Why even EVER consider thinking about any idea that will create ‘loss’?  Whether in your close & personal relationships, or your relationship to material or creature comforts, or your relationship to money or anything else, especially to ‘your ideas’… think ‘positive’ or ‘beneficial’ results, otherwise trash the idea altogether. Nothing ‘good’ (for you) will ever come from something you consider ‘bad’ (for you).

Let’s talk!!
Enjoy your very positive day & evening,
Daija ext 32452

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Astro Daija