Your Heart Matters
Relational Responsibility — literally means being prepared to ‘feel’ and ‘deal’ with every emotion and need that you have—-as well as be prepared to ‘be there’ and listen to and care for the emotional and physical and perhaps financial and basic other needs—– of your partner, as well. That’s BIG… really BIG!!
Are you really ready?
Sure you want a relationship, or at least you think and believe you do ‘today’. If we’re honest—most of us will admit to wanting and desiring the emotional ups and joy that goes along with falling in love—- while entertaining the ‘honey moon’ phase of your new romantic relationship. Yet, I do not know a single person, (not even myself) who will jump at the opportunity to experience the emotional lows that ultimately go with the ‘highs’ ( what goes up—must come down) of your new romantic relationship —-even though we all will say— “Oh yes, I know our relationship is not perfect, neither of us are perfect—- and we’re going to have to deal with both good and bad, after all, that’s life… Right?
Well, yes, that is correct—-that’s life! And… what we say and what we believe, what we do and how we behave—- ‘during this euphoric state’ of New Love is absolutely all different than what we truly want to fantasize, will be. We can intellectually admit and agree, that it is in this state, we are in serious romantic ‘Honeymoon High’ denial.
We are not at all thinking in a rational or logical mindset when we say we are truly prepared and emotionally equipped to deal with the multitude of emotional downs and all the responsibilities associated with the lifestyle changes of joining together with another person to consider, worry about, be there for and deal with in our daily operations of simply living life. And we all can attest to this fact—by the break up and divorce stats among couples within the first two years.
The three, six, twelve, eighteen to twenty-four month transition is not going to be ‘smooth sailing’ but it doesn’t have to be a crazy rocky road—–if both people will lower their expectations, and raise YOUR OWN STANDARDS of Becoming the Partner —to your partner—that you desire him/her to be, to you—-and doing this ‘NOW’ before you meet Mr. or Ms. Onederful!!
Chances are, (hopefully) allowing the paragraph above to deeply resonate within your core — will cause you to ‘step back’ a moment—right now—-and truly consider the ‘full’ depth of emotional responsibility and physical commitment you are going to be responsible for —-to both your partner and to yourself.Please take a moment and ‘STOP’ right now—-and think about your decision of making the choice to begin a new relationship today. Your decision to begin or commit to a full blown romantic relationship is a life altering experience—- that —-because another human heart is involved, must be taken seriously.~