Constant Conflict


Do you quarrel with your boyfriend/girlfriend, significant other, nearly all the time about ‘something’? Older dating couples are not exempt from the trials and tribulations of dating ‘the wrong personality type’ and living in the fantasy of believing your relationship could work ‘if only he or she would… ‘CHANGE’!! Constant quarreling is a message to you, that you and your bf/gf significant other—-is more ‘wrong’ than ‘right’ for you. If you are dating someone or have fallen in love with someone who is ‘not right for you’, the first sign will be a consistent difference of opinion, resulting in unvalidated hurt feelings, arguments, and fighting, on a regular basis. If you are an unmarried couple, regardless your chronological age, and you are in a relationship where there is a continued lack of conflict resolution, and you are constantly arguing, fussing and fighting over something—-don’t stay in this relationship. Thinking or believing that ‘magically’ your relationship will somehow get better if you live together or worse, ‘marry’, is living in fantasy and denial. Living together and/or marriage is not going to make it better. Constant conflict is your message that it’s time to move on and give yourself time to heal, and find someone who is right for you, someone who is more compatible with you, than not.

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Astro Daija