Exciting Times for ALL!!
July 16, Jupiter enters Leo at 6:30 a.m.. EST. Globally the energy shifts substantially. The sign of Cancer, positioned naturally as the 4th House of the Zodiac Wheel, is about home, hearth and family. Whereas the sign of Leo is naturally positioned as the 5th house of the zodiac wheel, governing love, romance, physical passion or love affairs, friends, creativity, entertainment and children.
While Jupiter transited Cancer over the past year, a top priority could have been to ‘keep what you have’ encouraging couples to make more of a committed effort to work on their relationship, remaining together rather than splitting up. Keeping our family together during this past year would have been very important to many. Jupiter transiting Leo encourage the opposite, placing more of a priority in living and enjoying the moment and of course, physically passionate love affairs. Please remember that if your relationship, marriage or partnership is stable or sound, then of course, Jupiter in Leo will enhance the passion you share making what you are already enjoying, and ‘all that is already good’… so much better and even perhaps extremely exciting and delicious!!
Jupiter in Leo adds that ‘Spice to Life’ highly desired perhaps even craved for “FUN” spark to our lives and you’ll find yourself especially interested in socializing more, and just enjoying your life much more. Living life passionately is what ‘LEO’ is all about… and with “BIG BANG JUPITER” added to the mix, life that may have become a tad bit boring or lacking luster… suddenly becomes a much welcomed succulent surprise. Ruled by the Sun, Leo, represents our lusty tactile core nature.
So the million dollar question is: In your personal natal chart, what house is planet Jupiter transiting and how is your natal Jupiter aspected? If it’s positioned and aspected favorably, then it’s likely you will experience abundance and expansion in grandiose, albeit welcomed ways. Keyword for JUPITER: EXPANSION!! This also means that for all you fabulous fun Leo’s out there, with Jupiter transiting your native SUN, it’s quite likely that you will experience expansion in many MANY ways—-and of course, this also means that your body could also expand… and in places that are tale-telling about where your indulgence most definitely grabbed your attention, most!
Jupiter our planet of benefit, tends to be seen and heard and tremendously so transiting ‘Fire signs’ especially Leo. Jupiter rules Sagittarius, a Fire Sign, and when transiting fire signs, Aries and Leo—-we will generally experience both personally and globally our most exciting and lively times. During the course of this year, starting tomorrow morning, we will likely notice a real and positive energy shift, and most certainly could feel as though all this ‘wonderful energy’ could go on forever and ever and ever. But as you know oh so very well, nothing lasts forever. And like all transits, of course, we take the good with the bad and make the best of all that we have, and enjoy each and everyday (hopefully) as if it is our last. Morals, values and principles do matter, as do calculated risks vs. jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire!
If what you create today or during this Jupiter transit in Leo—-is something that you desire to last, then make it a point to pick and choose carefully what you decide to indulge in, and/or create, with extra care and consideration for the best future…whether it’s a new relationship, business venture, academic structure or relocation across town or overseas… whatever your endeavor, remembering always that what goes around comes around, and what goes up, must come down.