Being Apart
Loving someone is not about being with them and together 24/7 … although setting aside quality time to be together is important for a any romantic relationship. Relationships are somewhat burdened, especially physically, when two people must be apart for whatever the reason. Perhaps you must sacrifice being together due to circumstances beyond your control, such as you job or family take you to distant lands for long periods at a time. These times, although perhaps tough, do not need to over burden an emotionally connected healthy relationship. Being apart can be reflective and nurturing with anticipation of a honeymoon homecoming by just knowing in your heart that your deep committed love travels along side and in the the heart of your betrothed. You love him/her…always, and for no reason other than … the ‘feel good’ reason that…well, YOU JUST LOVE THEM! When the communication is emotionally open and honest…affectionate, loving and kind, committed and healthy, then you too, can rest assured and be comforted knowing that the same is true about their committed heart felt ‘True Love’ for you!