Is Love at the Core of your Relationship


Is Love at the Core?

Relationship Tip of the Day: Is Love at the Core
Relationships are never always ‘smooth’, hence the
reason to learn as much as possible about ‘how to communicate’
with your partner/spouse, and in the way where s/he is able to see, know & trust that regardless what has occurred within the boundaries of your relationship, that your love for him/her is still there. If you truly love someone, regardless how they may behave at times, in making you quite angry, embarrassed, hurt, feeling neglected and rejected—-the bottom line is this, if REAL LOVE is at the core of your relationship, then there still is ‘absolute hope’, via respectful, direct and emotionally open and honest communication, conflict resolution skills, and professional intervention, if either or both parties are unable to communicate in a way to bring about a resolution.

Therefore, if this is where you are currently, call me and together let”s talk about what you can do to facilitate a resolve and bring the two of you back to an even playing field where real communication will keep you connected. 

Aloha Blessings,
Daija ext 32452

Aloha Friday, Dec. 6th., 2013
I am available today and look forward to talking with you.

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Astro Daija