All About Love



We’ve kicked off this New Year quite nicely indeed, forging ahead into uncharted territory—it’s a new season, a new year, and a real reason to explore a new life as we move rapidly thru the first month of 2011. One specific area of interest during 2011, and for most everyone is about their most close and personal romantic or business relationship. Career opportunities, academic structures, challenges related to finances, all associated with career changes and possibilities will be on your priority list. At the same time, these specific areas may be a real or viable area of concern, perhaps even causing you a bit of grief and anxiety associated with time management. You’ll have much to consider, think about and in reconsidering all your options, you will pair everything down —that you can—-to a minimum of what ‘must be done’, still finding and making time for the fun things you enjoy doing in life.

One of the main themes for most of us will be about LOVE…and  whether or not we are about to enter &/or if we are entertaining the ‘right’ romantic or committed business or personal partnership/relationship.  What you will learn and find to be so relatively easy to experience is acceptance. You’ll suddenly feel at peace, recognizing that where you are is exactly where you’re supposed to be—and whom you’re supposed to be with… until you decide this is ‘no longer’ right for you.

2011, both on a personal and professional scale is a year about important ‘people’ vs. ‘things’ in our lives. We cannot exist without Interpersonal relationships here on Earth. All relationships boil down to communication. And it’s not about any type of communication, but about the right type and style of communication for ‘the specific’ relationship situation and circumstance.

Our daily operations both personally and professionally are all about the people with whom we involve ourselves with, in some form of daily interaction and communication—-who ultimately affect our lives to some degree or another regardless the nature.

Therefore, 2011 marks the year of better understanding, by virtue of better one on one types of communication, fostering a global trend, filtering into our personal and professional lives allowing us to alter our current circumstances in ways that we have never before, perhaps even thought possible.

The internet is faster. Fewer dropped calls. Choosing to spend more time actually ‘communicating’ —-each with the other on a more intimate level. Our new ability to communicate, opens us up to never before opportunities to explore the depths of passionate vulnerability, each to the other, and in a way that will bring out the best in each of us… and bring ‘love’ to us in ways that we only ever imagined and dreamed of.

It’s time to look deeply into yourself, finding that place in your heart where love burns brightly. Our core resonates with God at a frequency that we are unable to ‘see’, yet that we can and do experience via our relationship with ourselves, others, and God. When we are open to love, we have the opportunity to ‘experience love’. It’s that simple, and that difficult at the same time.

Love is everything we are, all that we come from and everything we aspire to be—-yet somewhere along the path, we become complacent—almost  to the joys experienced by allowing ourselves to be open to experiencing love at the deepest most trusted, accountable and responsible level. It does not have to be this way. There is one word that will open the door to ‘Love’…and not just for me, or you, but for all of us…

Forgiveness heals the heart, repairing it to it’s original state of ‘purity’. It is only when our heart is pure, that we are able to experience ‘real, authentic, absolute, unconditional, unequivocal, true love.

And forgiveness first begins by choosing to forgive yourself, and then everyone else along your path… past, present, and of course, in the future.

Much Aloha,

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Astro Daija