Preparation Day


Monday, Dec 20th., 2010

Holiday season chaos begins today with a bouncing Gemini moon, interrupted conversations, planned events, and travel delays, are all par for the course! And then… tomorrow, just be still for a moment even if only in your mind, as you may suddenly feel a bit of panic about one thing or another and it’s not YOU, it’s the cosmic energy of the Sun moving into Capricorn, the Winter Solstice and A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse.

Tonight is the foggy ‘eve’ of all the emotional fickleness about to occur tomorrow. And of course, we’re still in Mercury Retrograde which doesn’t smooth things out, but rather, creates a bit more of a smoke screen, and even a tad bit of itchiness’ to want, do, fix, run, scream, throw a fit, and perhaps even feel as though everything is wrong and right at the same time. What you thought was ‘ok’ suddenly is not. What was ‘not’, OK, suddenly seems back to order. And of course, there is not much you can do about it all. But… it’s not the end of the world, but only the beginning!

What you do tomorrow night and with whom is not going to bring you down, but lift you up and in ways that you could only imagine, even if at first things are a bit crazy or fuzzy, even confusing.  Tomorrow, all day, you will begin to see something in your life, in yourself, and in your relationships that will become more fulfilling, happy and abundantly successful due to the momentum powerful cosmic energy being blessed upon the earth as a whole.

This energy gives us the courage, power and ability to actually deal with our challenges. Through these next two days, we come to realize that it’s only when we put things into ‘right’ perspective —and know what we ‘absolutely do want’, and then be willing to ‘do whatever it takes to make that happen’, that we can truly know in our hearts, that we did the right thing. It’s only then that we can begin to peel the layers back, of all that’s bothering us, allowing something better in ourselves and in our lives. And it all begins by honoring what & whom truly matters most to you.

Tonight and tomorrow is about ‘honesty’. First with yourself and then with those around you. Honesty is a difficult character trait to exhibit at times because we want to believe that ‘what’ we’re admitting to, or emotionally ‘feeling’ or projecting, or doing is right. And is it really about being ‘right’? Or is it about being ‘honest and real’? Look deeply at yourself, today, tonight and tomorrow. Who is it that matters most to you? Whose feelings are more important to you—-the person whom you truly love with all your heart and soul, or those ‘friends’ whom you think or believe ‘need you’?

It’s your choice to decide what you want, and what you want to do and how you want to behave. It’s also up to you to decide whom you want to do what with. In my book, Life is not about ‘what you do’, but ‘WHOM’ you do ‘it’ with. And when you make that choice, remember that what they feel, believe and think, should matter most to you—-not that friend who feeds your ego of ‘feeling’ needed. Look at the person closest to you, sitting across from you, the one whom you ‘love’—and who loves you… this will tell you exactly what you need to do.

Enjoy your day, and evening and especially tomorrow, when you will be faced with making decisions that will alter the course the course of your life, and those whom you love most.

Aloha Holiday blessings,

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Astro Daija