Venus Direct — Chains Released


Greetings – Thursday – Nov 18th., 2010

Venus stationed Direct today—-I am already feeling the release! You are most likely already feeling it too, in all those Venusian areas of your life. The chains that bound you, perhaps creating restrictions—if not literally, at least figuratively, are finally dropped. We feel lighter, less burdened, everything that we are passionate about begins to once again, exhibit a nice ebb & flow. And are you prepared for the abundant sense of freedom and perhaps discipline that goes along with your new found freedom?

Of course, Venus rules Love & Relationships—-& when we think of relationship, we generally think of relationship to or with ‘another person’. Yet, in this case we must also think about our relationship to ‘all things’ that we ‘love’ in our lives, including ‘life’ itself.

Whether it’s another person or something else we are perhaps passionate about, as of today, you will begin to see prosperous changes in those specific areas. The areas of life that Venus rules are, for example, our Lifestyle, Money, Job, Positions we hold, food we enjoy, etc. and all those yummy things in our lives that we consider ‘GOOD’ —-things that make us happy and feeling ‘joyful’ inside, are all considered Venusian.

Now take this a step further adding the influence of Jupiter (abundance) direct, creating depth and colour to those Venusian things, and mixed together in your personal natal & progressed planetary influences with a dash of Uranus for ‘surprise effects’ and WOW… the finished product is joyful abundance. I will toast with you, a huge …Cheers to that!!

I am looking forward to sharing with you and spreading the love, and always talking with you soon. I am available tonight until 11pm., pacific to celebrate this beautiful Venus experience.

Aloha blessing & love,
Daija ext 32452

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Astro Daija