Is it “Right” for you?
I am available today until 1pm., pacific & then again this
evening between 6pm & 10pm., pacific.
Relationship Tip of the Day: Knowing when it’s Right
Intrinsically, we just ‘know’ when a relationship is right, for us,
and when it is ‘not’. However, more oftentimes than not, because
we truly want or need to be in the relationship, for whatever reasons
we believe to be true for us—-we choose to stay, even though we know
we truly need to leave, because loving her or him, is hurting us.
We choose to stay for a variety of reasons, whether we may believe that we ‘love’ the person, or for other personal reasons, perhaps familial, financial, or whatever the case may be—we simply make a choice to stay, & stay miserable. We choose to avoid listening to our gut, or intuition, deciding to be in a state of denial over what we ‘just know’ is true.
The most valuable thing you can do for yourself is recognize that when a relationship is ‘right’ for you, it will feel good within, it will be a smooth, overall, enjoyable & joyful experience—even thru the ups and downs, trials & tribulations, the relationship itself will give you a sense of emotional security, due to mutual respect & real Love.
If you are having a relationship with someone and your emotions, feelings, needs, wants, & desires, are constantly being challenged, then there is something that is not ‘quite right’. And when something isn’t ‘quite’… then it’s just ‘not right’, for you.
Call me and let’s talk about what you’re feeling & dealing with in your relationship.
Aloha blessings,
Daija ext 32452