What About Now? Oct-13-2010


Greetings – Wednesday – October 13th., 2010
I am available today until 2pm., pacific & then again this evening
 between 7pm & 10pm., pacific.

Everything in life doesn’t have to hard, difficult or challenging. It’s how you choose to ‘look’ at what is going on, or occurring—in other words, your personal perspective is what matters most in how your world appears to you. I live by the rule of ‘change your mind & change you life’, and if it works for me, this philosophy will also, work for you. And it all boils down to ‘Faith’. FAITH… faith in the fact that you are where you are, ‘now’ because that is where you’re supposed to be. And if you don’t like where you are, then you are the only person who can ‘change’ your place in time.
Or reduce the time you’re spending in that particular place you ‘don’t wanna be’.

Life today takes on a special appearance where the doors are knocked down—the world is an open playing field for you…there is not a single moment today where you will feel quite at ease about ‘where you are’ —- yet, this is nothing to be alarmed about. This is actually a good state & place to be guaranteeing something better, something more, something exciting, and something beneficial in a way that is guaranteed to ‘move you’ from point A to Z. A satisfied mind is a tad bit scary to me, as it should be to you, too. A satisfied mind lacks ambition. It can cause us to be ‘stuck on stupid’, disallowing us the ability to continue learning. A satisfied mind, halts healing, induces melancholy and temporary if not (for some) a permanent state of depression. When we stop growing, we stop living.

Today’s cosmic influence resulting from an early morning Capi moon conjunct Pluto makes it easier to see our workload and compartmentalize. Now the task is to slow it down, taking one task at a time, finish it, and then move on to the next. A productive day, overall… with new exciting plans in order for the coming week enabling us to enjoy an exciting time ahead, without much distraction. Enjoy!!

Relationship Tip of the Day: Lay your Cards on the Table
More often times than not, we tend to ‘with hold’ how or what we are truly feeling, thinking—–believing that somehow these awkward or negative feelings we’re dealing with ‘will’ just fade away. You’re kidding yourself if you think or believe that feelings you’re experiencing will simply just ‘go away’. Our feelings don’t fade, in fact, our feelings entice our thoughts, provoking our actions, even if we are not consciously aware. Consider being emotionally open and honest, even if you’re fearful of doing so—-because not doing so, is basically delaying the inevitable eventual ‘fall-out’ that will absolutely come about. And when it does, just like now, it won’t be a good time either. There is never a good time to deal with stuff we don’t want to deal with, so you may as well do what you can do and deal with today, NOW—today, vs. later.

Daija ext 32452

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Astro Daija