Spiritual Health
Monday October 25th., thru Wednesday October 27th., 2010
I am available today, Monday, until 2pm., pacific & then again
this evening between 7pm & 11pm., pacific.
Spiritual Health
The work-week starts out with a lot of busy energy as Monday kicks off. There’s tension in the air, so remember to sort out the good kind and work with it. Good tension? Yes — like creative tension when you are working to solve something on a project, or spiritual tension when God is nudging you to come closer to Him when your faith is being tested by something burdensome in your life. You will have a good gut instinct today about how to proceed, so use your good communication skills to put this across to your colleagues and those nearest, dearest and closest to you.
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Tuesday appears a bit more quiet in the heavens as the Moon (Emotions) finds harmony with Saturn (Limitations), and the Sun (Personality) embraces transformation. Mercury is also nervous about growth, and this sets up a day when you would rather feel safe by sticking with what you know — choosing to stay in your comfort zone. That’s ok sometimes, but you need to make sure that your motivation is not based simply on fear of change. incredible breakthroughs come through growth. Remember that F E A R is ‘False Evidence Appearing Real’.
At mid-week, we see the heavens becoming more active again, and Chiron (Health & Healing) and Neptune (Spirituality, Romance, Fantasy) will play key roles in your love relationship, on Wednesday. Remember — it’s healthy to be Spiritual. Getting spiritual with your partner is not as difficult as it may sound, unless of course his/her resistance or opposition to talking about and or interacting with you on spiritual issues and conversations, creates conflict. If you are the spiritual personality withn the confines of your relationship, the just begin by opening up and talking about it. Even agnostics have a Spiritual position, and it is good for you to examine exactly where you stand—–where you both stand. Life is a long series of learning about yourself, who you are, and especially your morals, values & principles. Meditate & Pray.~
Have fun these next several days as you work week launches. This weekend is certain to bring tons of fun with Halloween… costumes, parties, and more scary tricks and treats!!
Daija ext 32452