Smart Talk


I am available today until 3pm., pacific & then again this
evening between 8pm & 11pm., pacific.

Relationship Tip of the Day: Communicating with Patience

Encourage your partner to listen to you, by showing appreciation when s/he does. Remember to also, show interest when s/he talks to you. Men and women are wired differently, therefore, programmed to communicate ‘differently’ albeit, these communication tendencies are not and don’t have to be deal breakers. It is important to remember however, that each of you process information at different speeds, depending on the information being communicated, therefore, be sure to give your partner, adequate time to absorb & internalize the information you are communicating, allowing him/her to comment, or reply/respond to you in their own time. Remember patience is a virtue, yes, but also vital. The more patience your provide in your approach, the more your partner will be willing to ‘listen’ and ‘hear’ you.~

Enjoy your Weekend.

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Astro Daija