Self Examination


Wkend Update – Aloha Friday – October 22nd., 2010
I am available today until 2pm., pacific & then again this evening
between 7pm & 11pm., pacific.

Ready for some wild Full Moon encounters, prepare yourself, rather ‘arm’ yourself with conflict resolution skills. Keep this one very simple idea in mind, two people pushing against each other creates a negative energy. In order to bring the energy back into a positive  charge, a current of energy must be able to ‘flow’ between the two poles… or in the case of human interaction … between the two people.

Concluding that perhaps you’ve been either a) overly accommodating, or b) too selfish, is the challenge you’re likely to be faced with today. It takes understanding, kindness, sensitivity to your own needs as well as the needs of your partner, and the skill to navigate between partnership and independence, while maintaining a balance in knowing that both can be accomplished by choosing to communicate kindly & effectively, and appropriately. 

Today is one of those days where we don’t have to push, pull, fuss & fight, although our nerves will be wracked, and we’re likely to pull the plug on matters that just don’t set right within us. This is about tension between Mars (action taken) and Neptune (fantasy of how or what we want things to be), being at odds, creating a negative pull.  No worries, you’ll going to work this thru, albeit not alone and certainly nothing is going to work if you both, or even one of you choose to withdraw. It’s about taking a stance, about what is ‘right vs. wrong’ morally and ethically, and not about deciding to judge another, or be judgmental of another.

Open up your heart, and when you do, you’ll see how your behavior led you into experiencing all that you are dealing with right now. The fall out of what is occurring in your life has more to do with you choosing to ignore the Red Flags that existed initially, that were of course, obvious, yet, you chose to ignore because they were too painful to acknowledge or didn’t fit in the fantasy of what you truly wanted. Not a bad thingy, of course, but something that you have to deal with now, and you will. One way or another, you will. Just remember that being friends with someone as well as loving someone is to feel good, friendship & love, does not hurt. So if you are in a partnership, whether business or otherwise, & what you are feeling is ‘bad about yourself’ for any reason, relative to a friendship, partnership or romance, then it’s time to seriously look at this connection and make a decision to ‘exit’… at least for a moment, take a break and clear yourself and your mind.

Call me let’s talk about you and your life.
Daija ext 32452

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Astro Daija