A Time to Fall


Greetings – Monday – October 4th., 2010
I am on today, until 1pm., pacific & then again this evening
between 6pm & 10pm., pacific.

This is a day filled with passion as we move along this new season
we can actually ‘feel’ Fall in the air, and see it as the new autumn colours
are visible in nature as well as in our clothing choices and decisions. 
Rumors of parties and planning for the holidays just burst into action, and
for most of us, we are all looking forward to this ‘new time’ and fresh autumn air after being a bit hot & sweaty during such a long summer season. Nestled into your homes in early evening, aromas of warm drinks to calm & helps us sleep, yummy pot roasts and homemade soups fragrant our homes, we just love to dig into stick to your ribs food, taking all the stress, strife & pain of our day away, tantalizing us all, yes, ‘it’s finally fall’.

And so, you can just feel this new found passion for life that is stirred up within us, creating a dynamic energy that we’ll be able to enjoy & release today as the moon enters Virgo this afternoon stirring up & setting straight with a plan of action ready to go putting some order to those pent up ideas, dreams, desires and romantic passions that perhaps you’ve been pondering. You are alive, envisioning yourself dancing in the Lily Fields with ‘the one’ whom you love & who also loves “you”.

A powerful romance that begins this week will lead you into commitment, ‘contractual commitment’… so make sure you recognize that ‘one date’…even one phone call… can indeed lead you to the alter. What I am suggesting here is this, ‘taking that first step’ letting go and choosing to be ‘open to’ rather than ‘closed off’ … will bring about what you truly desire most in life… and if that is ‘LOVE’… this is your week to explore, enjoy & expect love & excitement to be right there at your front door.

Enjoy your day and remember that when we ‘give’ love that is exactly what we will receive in return… and not always from the one whom we are giving ‘love to’…but it will be returned, from someone who does in fact, love you, so ‘expect’ it & enjoy it!

Blessings & love,
Daija ext 32452

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Astro Daija