Saturday, Sept 18th., 2010 Compatibilities & Love


I am available today until 3pm., pacific, & then again
this evening between 8pm & 11pm., pacific.

Relationship Tip of the Day: Compatibilities & Love
Does love really conquer all? Like you I am a bit of an
idealist when it comes to love. Yet, natural personality traits,
& characteristics, that are compatible or ‘not’ do play a huge
roll in whether all that love you may believe you feel for ‘him/her’ 
will be enough to truly make you both relationally ‘happy’.

Some incompatibilities just are not going to go away—no matter
how much love you both may have, or how much you care about
each other. The remedy to avoid a broken heart where incompatibilities
are concerned is to open up and talk about these ‘NOW’, early on as your budding romance is going thru the honeymoon phase. If there is going to be a change or modification in behavior, it’s easier to do in the beginning, when walking away from what you know will become a major issue, is so much easier to do.~

Enjoy your Saturday.


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Astro Daija