Wknd. Update Aloha Friday, Aug. 20th., 2010 Mercury Retrograde


Greetings – Wknd. Update – Aloha Friday – August 20th., 2010
I am available this gorgeous Friday evening until Midnight, pacific. Mercury Retrograde begins today in Virgo (Mercury is the planetary ruler of Virgo) going direct again on September 12th. This planetary station & shift is a reminder to make adjustments in your hopes, dreams & desires. What you thought you wanted, or needed —even just last month, is likely to have significantly changed, since last month.

Flexibility is a key element to happiness. Whatever you’ve been clinging to, or have been exceptionally rigid about can & most likely will ‘crumble’ right before your eyes. Listen carefully to what is being communicated to you. There is always room for improvement in how you speak to yourself as well as how you communicate with others. This weekend you’re about to feel more inclined to make significant perhaps even drastic changes, choosing to do things differently than perhaps ever before.

Efficiency & productivity is important, you’ll accomplish much in the way of getting things done. Just about everything you began back in late May, early June, comes to fruition now, and you’ll feel a sense of accomplishment. Things that were perhaps only temporarily handled will now be reevaluated and completed.

Bumpy relationships that came to an abrupt halt in June or July will suddenly begin to resurface, only to be renegotiated allowing round two or perhaps three, to commence. Think twice before re-entering for a second or third time. Mercury Retrogrades are famous for repeats, and well, getting back together ‘now’ could feel right, good and even happy—-although this is likely to be only a temporary fix. Unless the real work has been done to modify some of the behaviors associated with the initial breakup, this period could be a mere band-aid. This particular Merc Retro raises our sensitivities toward critical analysis, as well as a hyper-sensitivity to perfection. Remember to strive for excellence; there is no such thing as ‘Perfect’.

Watch how you speak to those around you, and those closest to you, using kindness and consideration in your approach with sensitive subjects. During Merc Retro in Virgo, we can at times be more harsh in our speech, due to static energy that demands vs. requests & expects much more from others than at other times. There is a sense of intolerance when Mercury retrogrades in Virgo. So… remember: It’s nice to be important, but it’s more important to be ‘nice’.

Enjoy your weekend!  
Daija ext 32452

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Astro Daija