Astro Update Today, Sunday Aug 15th., 2010 thru Wed Aug 18th
Today & Week Ahead Astro Update…
I am available today until 3pm., pacific & then again this evening between 7pm & 10pm., pacific.
Sunday dawns with a distinct emotional harmony for Transformation. All around us changes. Life is change. And so, our relationships have a life and are continually changing too. What are your plans for growth? Take a good look at any tension you might feel about talking with a loved one. It is the power of good communication that opens the doors we need to get through. As events happen that change our lives, your challenge & task is to grow and evolve into a better friend, mate, & family member. Make yourself ready.
“Why would your feelings go against your intelligence and affect communication? This happens often when your gut tells you one thing, and your head another.”
What we think and what we believe, what we do and how we act, and how we feel on the inside are oftentimes, five different things.
Monday starts out the work-week with a busy set of ten aspects to consider. Look for this day to bring tension that helps you get things done — a good sort of stress, truly creative tension. Watch for signs of imbalance, however, because the subtlety of some tension (worrying too much, discord with co-workers) is considered bondage, absolutely not helpful in your life. How do you learn ways to proceed and succeed? Communication! Listen carefully to what people you must deal with, really want. Find a way to say yes, and to give that to them, but never compromise your morals, values & principles.
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A very harmonic day comes our way on Tuesday. You will find yourself in harmony with your mate. New ideas abound for your projects at work and home. There’s an interesting effect today where avenues for both growth, and restriction are present. How do you grow, if you’re figuratively or literally restricted? Well, one good form of “restriction” is the discipline it takes to do something well. You have to practice learning & playing the piano before you become free to create great music. It’s the same throughout your life, so meditate on this principle.
Mid-week, we find the Moon (Emotions) squaring off with Mercury (Communication/Intelligence), on Wednesday. Why would your feelings go against your intelligence and affect communication? This often happens when your gut tells you one thing, and your head another. Listen to them both—but decide to only act on truth. Then, trust your instinct, but shape what you say with good “intelligence” about the situation. And Listen. Listening is the most often overlooked skill in communication. Listen intelligently instead of just waiting your turn to speak. This will bring you the information you need for success.
Relationship Tip of the Day: Love feels Good…it doesn’t hurt!
If you are in a relationship with someone, yet, you consistently feel bad about yourself, or worse as your relationship progresses, then it is time to take heed that something IS NOT RIGHT. Let’s talk about how you’re feeling and what is actually occurring, enabling you to see your options, ultimately finding the right solution for you.
Enjoy your day & week ahead.