Aloha Friday RTOTD: The Make Over


I am available today until 3pm., pacific & then again this evening
between 8pm & 11pm., pacific. Enjoy your day!

Relationship Tip of the Day:The Man Make Over
If your man thinks, believes or even gets a mild hint that you may
be attempting to ‘Make Him Over’, it could very well become the
relationship Kiss of Death. Reason is ladies, he is who he is…and
if you don’t like who he is, after you’ve met & shared some time
together, then say adios and move on.

There is nothing worse for the health of a potential romantic relationship than attempting to ‘try’ and make over the man whom you think you want or believe you love. This attempt is only going to make you both miserable in the process.

And BTW, regardless how much you try to ‘change him’…he’s not going to change!

Have a great Aloha Friday!

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Astro Daija